Puppet module to manage a NIS client
This module has been tested to work on the following systems with Puppet v3
(with the future parser) and Puppet v4 with Ruby versions 1.8.7,
1.9.3, 2.0.0 and 2.1.9. See .travis.yml
for the testing matrix.
- EL 5
- EL 6
- EL 7
- Suse 11
- Suse 12
- Solaris 10
- Solaris 11
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
NIS domain name
- Default: value of
NIS server hostname or IP
- Default: ''
Boolean. On Linux, enable ypbind broadcast mode. If both broadcast
and server
options are specified, broadcast mode will be used.
- Default: false
ensure attribute for NIS client package
- Default: installed
String or Array of NIS client package(s). 'USE_DEFAULTS' will use platform specific defaults provided by the module.
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'
ensure attribute for NIS client service
- Default: running
String name of NIS client service. 'USE_DEFAULTS' will use platform specific defaults provided by the module.
- Default: 'USE_DEFAULTS'