Blixzt is a light GUI client to be used with a private, fully validating LND lightning node.
Blixzt uses Cocoapods for dependencies:
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod install
- open the project using the .xcworkspace file
To use this app, it needs to be able to talk to your LND process.
To do this, 3 things are needed:
hostname: {ip|dns}:port, e.g. or
Certificate from your node, signed with the address you are connecting via.
- lnd option
could be useful here.
- lnd option
The security token, called macaroon.
To load these into the app, the easiest is to generate a qr code from them and take a photo with your phone. This way the secrets never leave your devices.
Example using qrencode to generate images:
qrencode -o macaroon.png $(base64 -i ~/.lnd/admin.macaroon | tr -d '\n')
qrencode -o cert.png ~/.lnd/tls.cert
Go to settings in the app and take a photo of them.
Try go to the homescreen and check if your balance shows.
Use fastlane for building and testing:
sudo gem install fastlane -NV
fastlane test