Well hi there! This repository holds the code and script for the Behat PHP course on KnpUniversity.
NOTE: This tutorial does not work in PHP 7.3 and above.
Ok, cool - this will be easy!
Make sure you have Composer installed.
In a terminal, move into the project, then install the composer dependencies:
composer install
Or you may need to run php composer.phar install
- depending on how
you installed Composer. This will probably ask you some questions
about your database (answer for your system) and other settings
(just hit enter for these).
- Load up your database
This project uses an Sqlite database, which normally is supported by PHP out of the box.
To load up your database file, run:
php app/console doctrine:database:create
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force
php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
This will create - and populate - an app/app.db
- Start up the built-in PHP web server:
php app/console server:run
Then find the site at http://localhost:8000.
You can login with:
user: admin pass: admin
Have fun!