This small web application is used to visualize the WMS, KML, KMZ, GeoRSS
To use this web application, you can create a war file and use Apache-Tomcat (Tomcat 7 is recommended) to publish it.
It supports simple RESTful pattern url to load WMS, KML, KMZ or GeoRss
URL structure with parameters:,service2,....&servicetype=service1Type,service2Type,...&srs=supportedProjection
• url: [required] one service url, or a list of service urls separated by comma.
• servicetype: [required] the service type(s) for the service(s) provided in the url parameter. Currently supported service types: WMS, KML, KMZ
• srs: [optional]: WMS service projection, e.g EPSG:3572, EPSG: 4326 etc.
Two modes are supported: simple and advanced. The default mode is simple mode