Links to slides to talks at the 2017 rstudio::conf
Pull requests welcome! Or add an issue, or tweet @kwbroman or email Karl Broman.
Also see Stephen Turner's list, RWeekly's list, and Sharon Machlis's tips and takeways.
Winston Chang, @winston_chang, Building dashboards with Shiny
Javier Luraschi, @javierluraschi, R and Spark
Jim Hester, @jimhester_, Database best practices: DBI, ODBC, and Pool [Source]
Jenny Bryan, @jennybryan, Putting square pegs in round holes: Using list-cols in your dataframe
Bhaskar Karambelkar, @bhaskar_vk, Web mapping in R using Leaflet
Chester Ismay, @old_man_chester, Teaching introductory statistics using the tidyverse via bookdown [Source] (also see
Karthik Ram, @_inundata, rOpenSci Packages Every Muggle Should Know
bsplus - use BootstrapJS via R
hunspell - spell-checking package
corrr - exploring correlations in R
ggedit - interactively edit ggplot layer aesthetics and theme definitions
magick - bindings to ImageMagick
easyMake - generate Makefiles from an R dataframe of dependencies
tic - facilitate deployment of R packages
rthreejs - interactive 3d scatterplots and globe plots
shinytest - testing framework for Shiny
blogdown - R package to generate static websites, based on R Markdown and Hugo