This repository contains code for work presented in Fourier Sensitivity and Regularization of Computer Vision Models, published at TMLR 2022. Fourier Sensitivity of computer vision models is based on a rigorously defined measure of sensitivity to input frequencies. Please see the paper for details.
The code was run with Python3.8
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please see the jupyter notebook "Fourier-Sensitivity.ipynb" for examples of plotting the Fourier Sensitivity of pre-trained models. Run all cells to re-generate the plots (be sure to change the path to the dataset, i.e., PATH_TO_IMAGENET)
We have provided a reference implementation of Fourier-regularized training on CIFAR10 ( Please use the commands below.
# standard training (CIFAR10)
# Fourier-regularized training (CIFAR10)
python --regularizer {LSF,MSF,HSF,ASF} --regularier_lambda 0.5
CIFAR10 training code is based on