Make a canvas for quickly browsing dictionary definitions, ability to stick found definitions (or portions of definitions) to the canvas with attributes like date, comments and links, leading to other pinned definitions. Create visual markers, highlight elements added long ago, make definitions fade away, potentially create challenges to make me guess the actual word. Create visual boundaries that group definitions together.
- count how many times the same word has already been on a canvas, jump to other
- (you immediately know that you've already looked up this word in the past)
Dictionary sources need to be transformed into an easy to search and indexed format, potentially dumped to a Graph Database ( or similar).
- WordNet
- Format:
- XML file source:
- Current release: 2023. Downloaded by the test:
- Current release: 2023. Downloaded by the test:
- XML format:
- Manually copied over to
- Manually copied over to
- XML file source:
- Format:
$ xmlstarlet el data/english-wordnet-2023.xml | sort | uniq -c | sort -n
1 LexicalResource
1 LexicalResource/Lexicon
39 LexicalResource/Lexicon/SyntacticBehaviour
2700 LexicalResource/Lexicon/Synset/ILIDefinition
4474 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry/Form
44671 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry/Lemma/Pronunciation
49638 LexicalResource/Lexicon/Synset/Example
120135 LexicalResource/Lexicon/Synset
120141 LexicalResource/Lexicon/Synset/Definition
122041 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry/Sense/SenseRelation
161338 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry
161338 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry/Lemma
212071 LexicalResource/Lexicon/LexicalEntry/Sense
293864 LexicalResource/Lexicon/Synset/SynsetRelation
$ xmlstarlet el data/english-wordnet-2023.xml | sort | uniq | sort
(add unicode symbols)
📂 LexicalResource root node
📂 Lexicon desc of the database: id prefix, language, version, ...
📂 LexicalEntry an id for grouping children that can be refed by a Synset.
📄 Form
📂 Lemma
📄 Pronunciation
📂 Sense
📄 SenseRelation
📂 Synset
📄 Definition
📄 Example
📄 ILIDefinition
📄 SynsetRelation
📄 SyntacticBehaviour
📂 LexicalResource [-] (basic test for a parent)
📂 Lexicon [-] (basic test for a parent)
📂 LexicalEntry [x]
📄 Form [x]
📂 Lemma [x]
📄 Pronunciation [x]
📂 Sense [x]
📄 SenseRelation [x]
📂 Synset [x]
📄 Definition [x]
📄 Example [x]
📄 ILIDefinition [x]
📄 SynsetRelation [x]
📄 SyntacticBehaviour [x]