A collection of overround application methods: Multiplicative, Additive, Power, Odds-Ratio and Shin.
using Overrounds;
double[] fairPrices = [1 / 0.1, 1 / 0.2, 1 / 0.3, 1 / 0.4];
double fairBooksum = Booksum.FromPrices(fairPrices);
Console.WriteLine("fair prices: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", fairPrices));
Console.WriteLine("fair booksum: {0}", fairBooksum);
double idealOverround = 1.15;
Console.WriteLine("ideal overround: {0}", idealOverround);
IOverroundMethod[] methods = [new Multiplicative(), new Additive(), new Power(), new OddsRatio(), new Shin()];
foreach (var method in methods)
double[] odds = method.Apply(fairPrices, idealOverround);
Console.WriteLine("method: {0}", method.GetType().Name);
Console.WriteLine("odds: [{0}]", string.Join(", ", odds));