This is custom secrets engine for Vault which generates dynamic credentials for Solace PubSub+.
Vault Docker images used for testing are based on Alpine Linux (musl), so they need an extra step to build the plugin.
[dev|pripii@priitp-roadkill ]$ mkdir $GOPATH/src/ && cd $GOPATH/src/
[dev|pripii@priitp-roadkill]$ git clone solace-plugin && cd solace-plugin
[dev|pripii@priitp-roadkill solace-plugin]$ podman run -i --rm -v `pwd`:/build -w /build golang:1.21.11-alpine go build -tags netgo,osusergo -v
This creates the file solace-plugin
in the current directory.
Assuming that binary is copied to /vault/plugins/solace-plugin
/ # sha256sum /vault/plugins/solace-plugin-v0.0.45
# Next is needed with official vault docker image
/ # setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep /vault/plugins/solace-plugin-v0.0.45
/ # vault write sys/plugins/catalog/secret/solace-plugin sha256=<something-something> command="solace-plugin-v0.0.45"
/ # vault secrets enable secret/solace-plugin
Since plugin is versioned it can't be just installed, it has to be upgraded. As a bonus, if upgrade fails vault will fall back to the previous version of the plugin.
setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep $PLUGIN
HASH=`sha256sum $PLUGIN|cut -d ' ' -f 1`
vault plugin register -sha256="$HASH" -command=solace-plugin-$PLUGIN_VERSION -version=$PLUGIN_VERSION secret solace-plugin
vault secrets enable solace-plugin
vault secrets tune -plugin-version=$PLUGIN_VERSION solace-plugin
vault plugin reload -plugin solace-plugin
bash-5.0# export VAULT_ADDR=''
bash-5.0# vault write secret/solace-plugin/config/default host="localhost:8080," username="admin" password=<something-something> disable_tls=true
Configuration item name is last part of the path, and it is mandatory. Hostname can be a comma separated list, in that case plugin checks whick Solace instance is the primary and sends requests to that instance.
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
host | <hostname/IP>:port,<hostname/IP>:port | Yes |
username | Solace admin user | Yes |
password | Admin user pwd | Yes |
path | Rest of the SEMP URL | No, default: SEMP/v2/config |
disable_tls | host points to plain HTTP | No, default: false |
bash-5.0# vault list solace-plugin/configs
All parameters are mandatory exept acl_profile, client_profile, and subscription_manager. Parameter guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override is hardcoded to true.
bash-5.0# vault write solace-plugin/roles/testrole vpn=testvpn ttl=<duration> config\_name=default acl_profile=<acl profile from solace> client_profile= <client profile from Solace> username_prefix=slowBoring
Key Value
--- -----
Ttl 600s
Vpn testvpn
config_name default
role testrole
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile n/a
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
subscription_manager false
username_prefix slowBoring
bash-5.0# vault read solace-plugin/roles/testrole
Key Value
--- -----
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile n/a
role testrole
ttl 600s
config_name default
vpn testvpn
username_prefix slowBoring
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
subscription_manager false
bash-5.0# vault list solace-plugin/roles
Durations less than 1s are not supported.
bash-5.0# vault read solace-plugin/creds/testrole
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id solace-plugin/creds/test2role/uDHPFH9So40TQJumYTPvxBhc
lease_duration 768h
lease_renewable true
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile n/a
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
password 8a716d67-5dbf-4658-b5fa-2307f1821bd1
role test2role
subscription_manager false
ttl 0s
username c0cd2745-25ef-418c-99d3-3f5227a9276f
vpn testvpn0
It is possible to add non-random prefix to the username. In case UsernamePrefix is set for the role, prefix
overrides it.
bash-5.0# vault read solace-plugin/creds/test2role prefix=superfish
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id solace-plugin/creds/test2role/RFbvn4G85i6mVKfeAZs3BJWQ
lease_duration 768h
lease_renewable true
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile n/a
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
password 3d035893-e35b-47ca-8855-76ef3d9d4354
role test2role
subscription_manager false
ttl 0s
username superfish-463d-8ba1-3d6c65a82781
vpn testvpn0
Parameter | Description | Mandatory |
prefix | Will be added to the randomly generated username | No |
bash-5.0# vault lease revoke solace-plugin/creds/testrole/E85owV8zhstL2vrkkKhDVMn4
All revocation operations queued successfully!
On revocation user in Solace is dropped.
bash-5.0# vault write solace-plugin/user/testuser role=test2role
Key Value
--- -----
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile n/a
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
password c6392c90-d2be-4a93-b6c1-61c80d76861e
subscription_manager_enabled false
username testuser
vpn testvpn0
bash-5.0# vault read solace-plugin/user/testuser role=test2role
Key Value
--- -----
acl_profile test_profile0
client_profile default
enabled true
guaranteed_endpoint_permission_override true
subscription_manager_enabled false
username testuser
vpn testvpn0
bash-5.0# vault delete solace-plugin/user/testuser role=test2role
Success! Data deleted (if it existed) at: solace-plugin/user/testuser
Download go-swagger and
[pripii@priitp-roadkill solace-plugin]$ ~/swagger_linux_amd64 generate client -f http://localhost:8080/SEMP/v2/config/spec -t gen -c solaceapi
[pripii@priitp-roadkill solace-plugin]$ go mod tidy
Plugin source tree contains only a small subset of the SEMP2 API which is actually used. Rest is manually removed.
cd plugin && go test -v
Tests use Vault test backend, but connect to the live Solace. Config parameters are in backend_test.go
In case of issues, setting DEBUG environment variable to something makes generated api to produce copious amount of debug info, including requests and responses. For example:
[pripii@priitp-roadkill solace-plugin]$ DEBUG=nihao go test -run TestApiDeleteUser
DELETE /SEMP/v2/config/msgVpns/testvpn0/clientUsernames/client0 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
Content-Type: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Authorization, Content-Type, X-Requested-With
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS
Cache-Control: no-store
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2020 09:14:02 GMT
Server: Solace_VMR/
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000
"description":"Could not find match for clientUsernames client0",
--- FAIL: TestApiDeleteUser (0.05s)
solapi_test.go:87: [DELETE /msgVpns/{msgVpnName}/clientUsernames/{clientUsername}][400] deleteMsgVpnClientUsername default &{Meta:0xc0005a94a0}
exit status 1
FAIL 0.086s