This script scrapes market data for any (or all) of the 5 trade hubs - jita, amarr, rens, dodixie, and hek. You give it a margin of profit that you would like between the highest buy order and the lowest sell order, and it generates a list of things that match your criteria.
It's best to run this in jruby ( to take advantage of JVM threading.
You need to install mongodb (
The following gems are required:
You can install them with jruby like this:
$> jruby -S gem install mongo
$> jruby -S gem install rest-client
(-S runs the command following it on the CLI of the JVM)
Usage: (j)ruby evest.rb -m 1.0 systemID (profit margin defaults to 100% (1.0) - if you don't specify a systemid, it will scrape from the 5 major trade hubs)
Output usage: (j)ruby evest.rb -o > my_csv_name.csv
To drop all the data previously scraped from Mongo, run:
(j)ruby evest.rb -d
Donations appreciated to Slappy McSqueege McGillicuddy. I will help you get it running, guaranteed, for a 100 million isk donation.
Happy market PvPing!