Note that this is a rudimentary re-implementation of circular-dependency-plugin
to fulfill our needs at Kialo.
It is not intended to support all configuration options (namely cwd
is not implemented) and is not tested on other people's code.
Detect modules with circular dependencies when bundling with rspack.
Circular dependencies are often a necessity in complex software, the presence of a circular dependency doesn't always imply a bug, but in the case where you believe a bug exists, this module may help find it.
// rspack.config.js
const RspackCircularDependencyPlugin = require("rspack-circular-dependency-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index",
plugins: [
new RspackCircularDependencyPlugin({
// exclude detection of files based on a RegExp
exclude: /a\.js|node_modules/,
// include specific files based on a RegExp
include: /dir/,
// add errors to rspack instead of warnings
failOnError: true,
// allow import cycles that include an asyncronous import,
// e.g. via import(/* webpackChunkName: "dashboard" */ './file.js')
allowAsyncCycles: false,
// rspack.config.js
const RspackCircularDependencyPlugin = require("rspack-circular-dependency-plugin");
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index",
plugins: [
new RspackCircularDependencyPlugin({
// `onStart` is called before the cycle detection starts
onStart({ compilation }) {
console.log("start detecting rspack modules cycles");
// `onDetected` is called for each module that is cyclical
onDetected({ paths, compilation }) {
// `paths` will be an Array of the relative module paths that make up the cycle
compilation.errors.push(new Error(paths.join(" -> ")));
// `onEnd` is called before the cycle detection ends
onEnd({ compilation }) {
console.log("end detecting rspack modules cycles");
If you have some number of cycles and want to fail if any new ones are introduced, you can use the life cycle methods to count and fail when the count is exceeded. (Note if you care about detecting a cycle being replaced by another, this won't catch that.)
// rspack.config.js
const RspackCircularDependencyPlugin = require("rspack-circular-dependency-plugin");
const MAX_CYCLES = 5;
let numCyclesDetected = 0;
module.exports = {
entry: "./src/index",
plugins: [
new RspackCircularDependencyPlugin({
onStart({ compilation }) {
numCyclesDetected = 0;
onDetected({ paths, compilation }) {
compilation.warnings.push(new Error(paths.join(" -> ")));
onEnd({ compilation }) {
if (numCyclesDetected > MAX_CYCLES) {
new Error(
`Detected ${numCyclesDetected} cycles which exceeds configured limit of ${MAX_CYCLES}`,