REMINDER: @@all = self.class.all #make it more dynamic
# until some method reacts (because its name matches the first argument)
#Kernel.exit! => ""
STATE NOTES needed to change the hash so all the elements/details from the site will be objects
# park.state = self unless park.state
# parks << park unless parks.unclude?(park)
# end
# parks <<
# @parks
# end
# attributes_hash.each { |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value)}
# binding.pry
# @parks = [] #no need for this because I assigned park to self
# @parks << park method to add it to the State class
#tried but failed
#not sure if I need this
# self.class.all.send(url)
# { |link| link.url}
# def all_parks # this would assign it to self/state
# { |park| park.state == self}
# end
PARK NOTES # @park << self # @park_info_a = [] # self.state
#if designation (not all parks have designation) #not sure if I have to put this?? since not all parks have designation
# def self.state=(state)
# @state = state
# state.add_park(self)
# end
# def add_park_info(park_info)
# park.park_info = self unless park.park_info
# park_info_a << park_info unless park_info_a.include?(park_info)
# end
# def park_info_a #to call the method .park that will return an array of parks
# @park_info_a
# end
# def all_park_info # this would assign it to self/state
# { |park_info| park_info.park == self}
# end
# def state
# self.state == nil ? nil :
# end
PARK NOTES #@park_info = [] # used to store park's contact info # (park_attributes_hash) # park_attributes_hash.each { |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value)}
#def initialize(park_info_hash = nil) #park_info_hash.each { |key, value| self.send("#{key}=", value)} # self.park_contact_info
SCRAPER #def self.scrape_park_info(index) # park = USParks::Park.all[index] # doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(park.url))
# park_cont_info = doc.css(".vcard")
# park_cont_info.each do |info|
# park_info =
# park_info.address = info.css(".adr").text.split.join(" ") if info.css(".adr")
# = info.css(".tel").text.split.join(" ") if info.css(".tel")
# end
# end
#def self.scrape_state # array_states_list = doc.css("li")[5..60] # array_states_list.each do |state_attr| # input_args = { # name: state_attr.css("a").children.first.text, # state_url: "" + state_attr.css("a").attribute("href").value # } # # binding.pry # array_states_list = doc.css("li"){ |name| name.text } # parse_state_name = array_states_list.values_at(*5..58)
# array_states_list = doc.css("a"){ |name| name.text.strip}
# parse_state_name = array_states_list.values_at(*15..70).to_s
# #.join(', ') will return just one big string
# state_name = doc.css("li").children[5..60].children.first.text
# state_url = "" + doc.css("li").children[5..60].attribute("href").value
# array_state_url = doc.css("a").map{|link| link['href']}
# list_state_url = array_state_url.values_at(*7..62)
# parse_state_url = {|url| "" + url }
# attributes = {name: state_name, state_url: state_url}
#def self.scrape_state_park_list(index) #url = input_state.url #practice site : # doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))
# park.designation = park_attr.css("h2").children.first.text if park_attr.css("h2").children.first.text
# binding.pry
# array_park_list.each do |park_attr|
# attributes = {
# park_name: park_attr.css("h3").children.first.text,
# park_link: "" + park_attr.css("a").attribute("href").value + "index.htm",
# park_designation: park_attr.css("h2").children.first.text,
# park_description: park_attr.css("p").children.first.text.strip
# }
# park_attributes =
# doc.css("li")
# binding.pry
# park name array_park_list = doc.css("li h3").children.first.text
# doc.css("h3 a").children.first.text
#def self.scrape_park_info(index) # # # doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open("")) # # # park_contact_info = doc.css(".ParkFooter-contact p").text.strip # # # binding.pry # park_info_attributes =
# def list_park_names(index)
# USParks::State.all[index].parks.each.with_index(1) do |park, index|
# puts ""
# puts " (#{index}) _ _ _ " + "#{}".colorize(:yellow)
# puts " #{park.designation}".colorize(:light_green)
# puts ""
# puts " #{park.description}".colorize(:white)
# # binding.pry
# # sleep 0.20
# end
# end
# def get_park_info
# puts ""
# puts " ==========================================================================="
# puts " To know the park's contact information, please type its".colorize(:blue) + " number."
# puts " Type ".colorize(:blue) + "back " + "to see the list of state again or ".colorize(:blue) + "exit " + "to end.".colorize(:blue)
# puts " ==========================================================================="
# puts ""
# input = gets.strip
# index = input.to_i
# if input.downcase == "exit"
# exit_app
# elsif input.downcase == "back"
# back_to_menu
# elsif index > 0 && index <= USParks::Park.all.length
# park = USParks::Park.all[index - 1]
# #park = USParks::State.parks[index - 1]
# USParks::Scraper.scrape_park_info(index - 1)
# puts " (#{index}) _ _ _ " + "#{}".colorize(:green)
# else
# puts " ==> Sorry. Let's try again. Please enter a number. <==".colorize(:red)
# get_park_info
# end
# end
# def list_park_contact_info
# USParks::ParkInfo.all.each do |contact_info|
# puts ""
# puts " >>>>>>>>> Park's Contact Information: <<<<<<<<<".colorize(:cyan)
# puts " #{contact_info.address}".colorize(:light_magenta)
# puts " #{}".colorize(:light_magenta)
# puts ""
# end
# end
# Kernel.exit!
# exit a process before executing all of the code.
# This method can be used to exit a process immediately, skipping any exit handlers on the way.