JS Versions (ES1 ES2 ES3 ES5 ES6) JS input/output JS variables - var,let,const What is undefined in JS Basic Operator in JS Objects,string,booleans,numbers,array in JS Conditional statements in JS (if,if else,switch) Loop in JS (for ,for in ,for of,while,do while) includes break,continue Functions in JS Sets in JS Bitwise operator in JS (AND,OR,XOR,NOT,<<,>>,>>>) -> https://www.w3schools.com/js/js_bitwise.asp RegExp Arrow Functions ‘ Map , Reduce , Filter JS Callback (This technique allows a function to call another function) JS Asynchronous "async and await make promises easier to write"
// document.getElementById // document.getElementsByClassName // document.getElementsByTagName // document.querySelector // document.querySelectorAll // children // childNodes // parentElement // parentNode // closest // next sibling
// createElement // innerText // textContent // append // appendChild // remove //removechild // setAttributes // removeAttributes // dataset // classList add and remove // style // eve n handling