SDK Version: 1.3.0
Contact: [email protected]
Last Updated: 3 June 2020
The keyper SDK offers developers a complete mobile ticket solution, that they can include and use within their apps.
- Add Hungarian translations
- Make ticket sending view fullscreen
- Change paid icon in ticket-sending-summary-view
- Add explicit opt-in for ticket acceptance
- Add support for allowed_payment_states
- Remove UIWebView instances within the SDK
- Resolve SSKeychain framework's name collision with iOS-internal framework
- Add Apple Wallet support for tickets
- Fixing various layout problems on newer iPhones (especially XR)
- Fixing missing cancel-search-button when sending a ticket on small iPhones (e.g. 5s)
- Fixing a problem where old ticket data could be shown after logging out if integrating the SDK in a non-fullscreen manner.
- Adding internal support for templates (e.g. for displaying banners in tickets above the barcode)
- Fixing broken status bar color in archived tickets view.
- Now bundled into a framework instead of only a static library
- The pod name has changed to
(instead ofkeyper-ios-sdk
) - please update all your import statements and perform a clean (CMD+Shift+K)! The reason for the rename is that the dashes in the old name were translated to underscores, and we suspected issues with the framework integration because of that. The other instances ofkeyper-ios-sdk
(github repo URL, bundle file names,...) stay unchanged for now to avoid more breaking changes. - Adding possibility to enable/disable "my ticket" notifications (
) - Adding possibility to let the keyper SDK navigate to affected views as a reaction to a push notification, via
is therefore now deprecated - Adding possibility for you to track the pending tickets count (
) to e.g. show the number in aUITabBar
badge. - New indicator (like a badge without a number) in tickets view if any offers are pending
- Migrating to view-controller based status bar appearance
- Fixing an instance of inappropriate default color (Done button when ticket recipients while sending a ticket)
- Fixing remaining cosmetic issues when starting the SDK repeatedly with different color configurations
- Improving ticket detail info view for the case when no upcoming event is available
- Fixing some UIKit accesses that happened off-main-thread
- Removing Example app because it was heavily outdated
- Fixing issues in iOS 11 and on iPhone X.
- Adding new ticket type: packages (i.e. season tickets with multiple barcodes)
- Adding events list for season tickets (in "Info" tab)
- Adding ticket count to tickets selection when sending a season ticket as single tickets
- Adding new internal ticket condition states "used" and "in commission"
- Fixing bugs when selecting tickets when sending a season ticket
- Fixing a bug that prevented tickets from being shown correctly transitioning from a pending state to a correct state
- Fixing a bug where a login/logout loop happened in certain scenarios through a race condition
- Fixing ticket-selector bugs when choosing tickets out of a season ticket
- Adding configuration parameter
- Fixing bugs related to order partner updates and barcode polling
- Improving UX via slight adaptions and text changes
- Fixing problem of redundant calls after each logout/login process
- Fixing a bug that lead to a logout race condition
- Logging off the user for every call that returns an unauthorized response (401)
- Possibly fixing bug where host app does not react to choosing a phone or email address when sending a ticket
- Removing existing data of table views when logging out and in again (if user id changes)
- Preventing multiple entries for contacts with multiple linked entries (e.g. for records from Facebook or Google)
- Improve messaging when user tries to send tickets that have not yet been loaded
- Possibly fixing problem that ticket actions are not correctly updated if the new data has no ticket actions contained
- Greying out send-tickets button if tickets are not sendable
- Adding automatic polling and refreshing for pending tickets (whose barcode is still being generated)
- Turning the device's screen to max brightness when viewing an old/expired barcode
- Adding required appSecreat as KEYConfiguration parameter
- Improved ticket card view, adding sales type at the bottom of tickets that support it
- Bug fixes and improvements
- Adding support for handling season tickets, and even sending them individually
- Using request batching (with
- Added deep linking
- Improving semantics, like price/currency homogeneity
- Refining language when addressing the user
- Fixing some bugs
Initial release
There are at least two ways to integrate the SDK: with or without Cocoapods. We will show both ways here.
- This SDK has been built with Xcode 10.2, so we'd recommend you use at least this version.
- If you decide to use Cocoapods, you need to use version 1.0.0 or higher (check with
pod --version
), since the podspec is not compabible with lower versions. - The SDK does not use any Swift code, so you need not worry about runtime versions.
Update/install Cocoapods by running
sudo gem install cocoapods
into your project directory (such thatls
shows the.xcodeproj
file) -
If your project is not yet using Cocoapods:
- Run
pod init
- Open the newly created
(e.g. withnano Podfile
, oropen .
and then opening it from Finder) - In the
, uncomment or edit your minimal target platform (e.g.platform :ios, '9.0'
). keyper SDK supports versions as low as 8.0.
- Run
In the
, add the target(s) and keyper SDK dependency for your project (named exactly like the one from Xcode when you look at the project file), like so:target 'target-name-that-you-copied-from-xcode' do pod 'keyperSDK', :git => '', :tag => '1.3.0' end
Look at this repository's branch selector to find out which versions are available. Each version has its own branch. Later on, the SDK might be available via Cocoapod's central repository, but currently it's not.
pod install
. This might take a while when executed the first time. -
Open the project in Xcode using the
file from this time on. If your original workspace (before integrating Cocoapods) relied on subprojects, have a look at Cocoapods' documentation to let Cocoapods generate your workspace file properly (especially
- Download and unzip the SDK's files (e.g., for version 1.2.0, the complete ZIP file can be found at - look at this repository's branch/tag selector to find out which versions are available).
- Create a
keyper SDK
or similar group in your Xcode project if you don't want the SDK's files to clutter your structure - Locate the framework within the previously extracted files, and drag it into your project (into a group if you want). You might also have to drag it into project settings > Target > General > Embedded binaries, and into Build Phases > Link Binary with Libraries.
If you run into any problems with installation, please contact us at [email protected].
keyper iOS SDK is compatible with deployment targets of 8.0 or higher.
The SDK consists of:
- A .framework folder, and within this:
- Header files (*.h) that allow you to start and interface with the SDK in your code.
- A static library (
) that contains all the views and business logic of the SDK in compiled form. Note that this file is way bigger than the actual size impact the SDK will have on your app. - Bundle files (*.bundle) that contain image and localization assets. You can look into them by right-clicking in Finder and selecting "Show package contents".
The SDK requests calendar, camera, contacts, and photo library permissions at runtime - therefore, please add these to your app target's Info.plist file:
<string>Calendar access for storing event dates.</string>
<string>Camera access for scanning ticket barcodes.</string>
<string>Accessing Contacts for choosing ticket recipients</string>
<string>Photo library access for barcode scanning.</string>
You need to setup the localizations that you want the SDK to show within your project. Currently, keyper SDK supports English and German (en & de). Go to your project file, select the project in the left pane at the top, and look at the "Localizations" section. E.g. if you only have an "English" item in this section, then the SDK will be in English only.
The SDK consists of a singleton instance ([KEYSDK sharedSDK]
) that exposes some helper methods and a few classes, that help you integrate a complete mobile ticket solution to your app.
To initialize and configure the SDK, you can use the following snippet in your app (ideally in the very first line of application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
in the app delegate):
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK configure:^(KEYSDKConfiguration *c) {
// This line can be omitted, then the apiBaseURL will default to keyper's production server
c.apiBaseURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
You can always get a reference to the SDK's singleton object by calling:
[KEYSDK sharedSDK]
Once you have the SDK configured, you can connect a user of your app with the keyper service. To do so, you have to configure your keyper b2b account in the keyper b2b web app or the keyper b2b sandbox webapp.
There you can configure a route identifier, which you will need in order to oauth with the keyper service.
In order to authenticate the user against the keyper service, use the following code snippet:
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK authenticateWithRouteIdentifier:@"keyper" hostAppToken:@"userTokenOfHostApp" resultBlock:nil];
or include a callback that lets you react to when the authentication finishes or fails:
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK authenticateWithRouteIdentifier:@"keyper" hostAppToken:@"userTokenOfHostApp" resultBlock:^(NSError *error) {
// Do something. error will be nil if authentication is successful.
The route identifier is configured in the b2b web app. The host app token is the session token of your user.
Once you have authenticated your user, you can present the user with the mobile ticket part of the SDK. You can even show this UI part before authentication is finished - a loading indicator will be shown until all requests have completed (tickets and orders calls will run after authentication finished).
If you are not sure if the SDK is authenticated, you can use the following helper method.
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK isAuthenticated];
In order to display the mobile ticket area, the easiest way is to just show rootNavigationController
[self presentViewController:KEYSDK.sharedSDK.rootNavigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
If your app has a side menu drawer, you could just add KEYSDK.sharedSDK.rootNavigationController
to your side menu as centerViewController (or however it's called); or if you use a UITabBarController
, you would add KEYSDK.sharedSDK.rootNavigationController
as part of its viewControllers
Alternatively, you can configure ticketsRootViewController
and then show rootNavigationController
// Get the SDK's single instance of the root view controller:
UIViewController *vc = KEYSDK.sharedSDK.ticketsRootViewController;
// Setup vc as required, e.g. here we add a bar button:
vc.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemDone target:self action:@selector(onDoneTapped)];
// Present the navigation controller, which already has ticketsRootViewController as its only view controller set:
[self presentViewController:KEYSDK.sharedSDK.rootNavigationController animated:YES completion:nil];
Note that both rootNavigationController
and ticketsRootViewController
are both instantiated lazily on first access to any of them. Once they are instantiated, both are kept as single instances until you call [KEYSDK.sharedSDK resetViews]
Authentication scenarios:
Your app can authenticate right when it starts, or just at the time when it shows rootNavigationController
or ticketsRootViewController
. It is even possible to defer authentication a bit; the views will just display a loading indicator until authentication has finished.
- If the SDK is authenticated, tickets and offers are loaded and shown.
- If the SDK is not yet authenticated at the time of showing the UI, or you have called
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK logout]
, then the mobile ticket area will display no tickets, but a loading indicator at the top. This is because the views wait for a successful authentication viaauthenticateWithRouteIdentifier:hostAppToken:resultBlock:
, after which they will properly reload and show the tickets. - If the SDK has an old or invalid token from a previous session, the mobile ticket area will display a user-dismissible error message; however, again, the views will properly reload and show the tickets after another successful authentication via
If you want to clear SDK data from the device (e.g. when you logout your user), you can use the following method to do so:
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK logout];
The logout method will clear the keyper user session and all related data from the device as well as unsubscribe the device from keyper push notifications (if they were configured).
To register for remote push notifications (if your app not already does), add this code to the App Delegate (or, use the newer UNNotification APIs):
- (void)requestPushNotifications {
UIApplication *application = [UIApplication sharedApplication];
UIUserNotificationSettings *settings = [UIUserNotificationSettings settingsForTypes:UIUserNotificationTypeAlert | UIUserNotificationTypeBadge | UIUserNotificationTypeSound categories:nil];
[application registerUserNotificationSettings:settings];
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings {
[application registerForRemoteNotifications];
Call requestPushNotifications
as soon as possible (e.g. after the user has logged into your app, or even right at app start).
If you want to let keyper servers send push notifications to your app (please talk to our support about that: [email protected]), also add this code in the App Delegate:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
// Put your own configuration here if necessary
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK setDeviceTokenForPushNotifications:deviceToken];
The actual notification handling is done with the following code. Note that this is not yet adapted to the new iOS 10 notification APIs - the iOS 9 APIs still work fine though.
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteNotification fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler {
switch (application.applicationState) {
case UIApplicationStateInactive:
// The user has put the app in background, but not yet killed it.
// She clicked or swiped the notification and the app now opens.
KEYPushNotificationRecommendedHostAppAction *recommendedAction = [KEYSDK.sharedSDK recommendedHostAppActionWithNotification:remoteNotification];
if (recommendedAction.letSDKHandleNotification) {
// This will be executed if keyper SDK
[[KEYSDK sharedSDK] handleRemoteNotification:remoteNotification];
if (recommendedAction.showSDKRootNavigationController) {
// Insert code here that shows the keyper SDK's view (rootNavigationController) now
if (recommendedAction.authenticateSDK) {
// Authenticate keyper SDK if appropriate. This will be executed if keyper SDK did not find any active credential data.
// App is either open or in backgrounding mode (i.e. the system wakes the app for a short time)
// The user did not click or swipe the notification, so we don't need to switch views.
// Handle with your own logic if necessary.
keyper features a tight integration with's deep linking framework. To setup deep linking in your app, please follow these steps:
1. Add your app's branch key to each relevant target's Info.plist file:
2. In the App Delegate, beneath the configuration code for the keyper SDK, setup Branch's deep link handling:
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
[[Branch getInstance] initSessionWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions andRegisterDeepLinkHandler:^(NSDictionary *_Nonnull params, NSError *_Nullable error) {
// Let keyper SDK handle deep link if the SDK recognizes it as such
if ([[KEYSDK sharedSDK] isKeyperDeepLink:params]) {
[[KEYSDK sharedSDK] handleDeepLink:params error:error];
You will also need to #import "Branch.h"
or @import Branch;
3. Finally, forward URLs that are opened in your app to Branch:
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation {
// Let handle incoming URLs (< iOS 10)
BOOL handled = [[Branch getInstance] handleDeepLink:url];
return handled;
// ...
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray *_Nullable))restorationHandler {
// Let handle incoming URLs (iOS 10+)
BOOL handled = [[Branch getInstance] continueUserActivity:userActivity];
return handled;
If you want your users to obtain keyper push notifications, e.g. when they get a new ticket offer, or a new friend request, then you have to take the following actions.
1. Submit the device token to the SDK every time it changes:
// In AppDelegate:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken {
// Your app's own token handling logic
// ...
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK setDeviceTokenForPushNotifications:deviceToken];
2. In order to allow keyper SDK to handle the received notifications, you have to propagate them to the SDK.
The SDK offers you a few helper methods to help you do that.
Once you receive a notification, you can inspect and act on the notification like so:
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)remoteNotification fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler {
switch (application.applicationState) {
case UIApplicationStateInactive:
// The user has put the app in background, but not yet killed it.
// She clicked or swiped the notification and the app now opens.
KEYPushNotificationRecommendedHostAppAction *recommendedAction = [KEYSDK.sharedSDK recommendedHostAppActionWithNotification:remoteNotification];
if (recommendedAction.letSDKHandleNotification) {
// SDK recommends that we let it handle the notification (because it's a notification sent from keyper), so let's let it handle it:
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK handleRemoteNotification:remoteNotification];
if (recommendedAction.showSDKRootNavigationController) {
// SDK recommends that we show its view. So let's show it in the host app:
[self.rootVC showLoggedInRootScreenAnimated:NO];
if (!recommendedAction.authenticateSDK) {
// We don't need to authenticate SDK - reload host app's notifications view in that case (just an example!)
[self.rootVC triggerNotificationsReload];
// App is either open or in backgrounding mode (i.e. the system wakes the app for a short time)
// The user did not click or swipe the notification, so we don't switch views.
// No need to handle this type of notifications in the SDK.
As can be seen here, your app can decide to ignore the SDK's advice on what to do with a notification entirely, or just pass it in.
Important Notes:
- Do not forget to configure the SDK before letting it validate and handle push notifications. Ideally,
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK configure:]
is called as the very first action inapplication:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
. - Also, most push notifications won't have any effect if the SDK is not authenticated.
- Lastly, if
is notUIApplicationStateInactive
, then we don't recommend to pass the notification on to the SDK.
The SDK allows you to customize the look and feel of the SDK's logic and UI, in order to make them feel more native to your own app. The configuration of the SDK (that you saw earlier), offers a few more options. The following displays all available options and describes them one by one. In this example, we used a preprocessor macro (BETA_BUILD
) to illustrate how beta builds can make use of the SDKs debugging features:
[KEYSDK.sharedSDK configure:^(KEYSDKConfiguration *c) {
// Beta build
c.enableSSLCertificatePinning = NO;
c.enableAFNetworkingLogger = YES;
c.showServerErrorsAsAlerts = YES;
c.apiBaseURL = @""
// Production build
c.enableSSLCertificatePinning = YES;
c.enableAFNetworkingLogger = NO;
c.showServerErrorsAsAlerts = NO;
c.apiBaseURL = @""
c.tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.8 blue:0.6 alpha:1.0];
c.navigationBarTintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.8 blue:0.6 alpha:1.0];
c.navigationBarTextColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
c.navigationBarFont = [UIFont fontWithName:@"HelveticaNeue-Medium" size:17.f];
c.sendTicketsBadgeImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"badge_friend"];
c.appSecret = @"sdk_ios_sample_secret";
You can call configure:
multiple times (e.g. to change apiBaseURL
), but some properties, e.g. colors and font will require reconstruction of the view hierarchy (resetViews
) to have an effect.
method | description | default value |
apiBaseURL | Allows you to change the base url of the keyper service. For example, if, you want to develop against the keyper sandbox environment. This really should be set by your app before using the SDK, but the SDK will also work if you call or re-call configure: to set or change apiBaseURL later on. Mind that all API requests performed before setting apiBaseURL will have failed. Valid base URLs currently are: | |
enableSSLCertificatePinning | If YES , pins the expected SSL certificate of communication with apiBaseURL to * Since keyper's development and sandbox environments have self-signed certificates, you should only set to YES when using production server ( ). |
tintColor | Takes a UIColor that is used throughout the app to highlight actions and accented text. |
The default value resolves to #00cc99 ([UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.8 blue:0.6 alpha:1.0] ) |
navigationBarTintColor | Takes a UIColor for the very first screen's navigation bar background color. |
The default value resolves to: #00c888 ([UIColor colorWithRed:0 green:0.784 blue:0.533 alpha:1.0] ) |
navigationBarTextColor | Takes a UIColor for the very first screen's navigation bar text and icon color. |
The default value resolves to: #ffffff ([UIColor whiteColor] ) |
navigationBarFont | Takes a UIFont for all navigationbar title texts (size is adapted by the SDK though). If nil is given, system default is used. |
nil |
sendTicketsBadgeImage | Takes a UIImage that is used as badge in the send-tickets-view for users that are platform-friends with the current users. |
keyper-ios-sdk-assets.bundle/badge_fav@2x/3x.png |
bottomInset | Bottom inset of SDK views, e.g. if SDK is shown with a tab bar (since we cannot rely on autolayout here). | 0.f |
keyper SDK sends notifications via NSNotificationCenter
to give the host app the chance to react to them. Their names are easily accessible in the public header KEYSDKConstants.h
. The following notifications are currently sent:
Notification Name | Purpose | userInfo parameters |
KEYSDKDidLogoutNotificationName | The SDK will send this notification when a logout has completed (not only the host app can trigger a logout, but also certain errors returned by keyper's server, like invalid token errors). | none |
KEYHostAppShouldChangeTabBarVisibilityNotificationName | If the host app shows the SDK with a tab bar, then the SDK can request to hide/show the tab bar with this notification. The reason for this is that some views (e.g. sending a ticket) require full screen presentation and have a button at the bottom that must not be overlapped. | KEYHostAppShouldChangeTabBarVisibleKeyName: @(YES)/@(NO) |
KEYHostAppShouldChangeStatusBarStyleNotificationName | The SDK's views sometimes switch from light to dark status bar styles, and vice versa. If you need to implement this behavior, you can, by listening to this notification. | KEYHostAppShouldChangeStatusBarStyleObjectKeyName: @(UIStatusBarStyle) |
KEYHostAppShouldShowKeyperSDKScreen | The SDK asks the host app to show the SDK's main view (rootNavigationController) as soon as possible - ideally, synchronously. E.g. if you integrated the SDK in a UITabBarController, show the SDK's tab now; or if you integrated it in a slide-out menu, show the SDK in the center view now. This is mainly fired when the SDK has received a deep link (see above for reference), and the tickets overview should be shown. The SDK in turn will in most cases also pop to the tickets overview, and in some cases display a confirmation alert. |
none |
keyper SDK listens to the following notifications by the host app to react to app lifecycle events. Their names are also accessible in the public header KEYSDKConstants.h
Notification Name | Purpose |
KEYApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification | In order to keep the user's friend list up-to-date when sending a ticket, the view can be refreshed after the app has become active again. This is not vital to the SDK's functioning. You can implement it by sending an empty notification with name KEYApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification whenever app delegate's applicationDidBecomeActive: is called. |
The SDK stores cached API responses in the folder NSCachesDirectory/__keyper_sdk/
folder, and non-volatile data (tickets, offers) in the folder NSDocumentDirectory/__keyper_sdk/
. All files are encrypted with AES256, and any user identifiers that are used as directory names are hashed with MD5.
If you have any questions, feedback, bugs to report, please do not hesitate contacting [email protected]