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S. aureus evolution on atopic dermatitis skin

Here we present the computational code part of the analysis presented in:

Felix M. Key, Veda D. Khadka, Carolina Romo-González, Kimbria J. Blake, Liwen Deng, Tucker C. Lynn, Jean C. Lee, Isaac M. Chiu, Maria Teresa García-Romero, Tami D. Lieberman. On-person adaptive evolution of Staphylococcus aureus during treatment for atopic dermatitis. Cell Host & Microbe (2023)

We hope you find the code useful. In case you recycle it for your own analyses please cite our study.


The analysis uses miniconda for package management, snakemake for pipeline processing, and python3 for analysis and visualisation, with few bits of matlab and R left within. We are utilizing multiple python modules all included in the provided conda environment (spyder4_full_env.yml). Thank you py-community! While I aim to make the analyses as accessible as possible, a medium level of bioinformatic expertise is required for succesful execution.

The analyses is divided into four parts:

  1. Across-patient analysis
  2. Within-patient analysis
  3. Metaanalysis Public Data
  4. Figure and Table generation

Each part (except the latter) starts with raw data processing done via snakemake, followed by the analysis in python3.

All snakemake pipelines have the same structure, made of the Snakefile, cluster.slurm.json (config file requires adjustment for individual cluster environment), (requires minor individual adjustments for execution of snakemake on HPC), run_snakemake.slurm, logs (for stdout/stderr output), and (sometimes) an envs and scripts folder containing conda environment files and custom-made scripts, respectively. All snakemakes are designed for execution on a computing cluster using the submission system slurm. Snakefile's need to be revised for individual usage (ie. paths). Information about each isolate dataset is fed into Snakemake via a samples.csv input file. An example file is provided in each snakemake folder. The samples.csv contains the following information about individual single isolates:

  • Path is the path with the raw sequencing data stored (incl. trailing /)
  • Sample is the isolate name
  • ReferenceGenome the reference genome identifier (folder label that contains genome.fasta(.gz) file)
  • ProviderName the unique raw data file name within Path (excluding _R1.fastq.gz/_R2.fastq.gz)
  • Subject patient identifier

The raw genomic sequence data for 1,587 S. aureus isolates is available from SRA Bioproject PRJNA715375, PRJNA715649 and PRJNA816913. Details about each isolate, incl. individual Biosample SRR-IDs, are presented in the publication (Supplementary Table 10). The entire raw sequence data should be obtained and stored prior to the analysis (eg. using fastq-dump).

1. Across-patient analysis

The analysis splits into two parts. First, we use two snakemake scripts to perform basic data QC, alignment to a reference genome, and variant calling. Second, the across-patient analyses incl. variant and isolate filtering, and the generation of all input for RAxML to build the phylogeny. The entire analysis is designed to run on a HPC.

Raw data processing

Source: across_patient_analysis/snakemake_raw_data_processing

  1. mapping: Alignment to reference genome and variant calling using the genomic data of all isolates.
  2. case: Building one candidate_mutation_table.pickle.gz for all patients that contains basecalls and relevant summary statisitcs for downstream analysis.


Source: across_patient_analysis/

Using candidate_mutation_table.pickle.gz to filter variants and build a multi-fasta file as input phylogeny reconstruction. Set up the spyder4_full_env.yml environment. Run within that conda environment.

2. Within-patient analysis

Again, the analysis splits into two parts. First, we use four snakemake scripts to generate the lineage-specific pangenomes, perform basic data QC, alignment, and variant calling. They are designed to run on an HPC. Second, within-patient analyses incl. variant and isolate filtering, and phylogenetic, adaptive evolution and molecular clock analysis. That analysis is designed to run on a regular laptop/desktop.

Raw data processing

Source: within_patient_analysis/snakemake_raw_data_processing

  1. kraken2: Basic filtering and taxonomic classification
  • The kraken2 database has been made with all refseq genomes (archaea bacteria plasmid viral human fungi protozoa UniVec) following default recommendations.
  1. assembly: Pangenome assembly and annotation
  • Builds upon identified S.aureus isolates (step 1) for generating pangenome
  • Python3 script utilize the following modules: argparse,sys,subprocess,gzip,os,SeqIO from Bio,statistics
  • executable required, which has to be specified in the Snakefile
  1. mapping: Alignment and variant calling using genomic data of all isolates.
  2. case: Building candidate_mutation_table.pickle.gz for each patient. Has to be run for each patient (ie. assembled genome) individually within the case folder (case/subject_XX/).


Source: within_patient_analysis/

Here we produce all results of the within-person evolution analysis, utilizing individual candidate_mutation_table.pickle.gz for each patient. Run within the provided conda environment spyder4_full_env.yml.

3. Metaanalysis Public Data

Source: metaanalysis_public_data/

In order to reproduce the public data analysis first download from SRA the raw read info for each isolate shown in Extended Data Table 9. For each isolate, build and annotate an assembly using the snakemake assembly provided in the within_host_analysis. Next, blast the query sequence fasta (Extended Data Table 8) against each assembly (with the following flags -outfmt 5 -max_hsps 1). The assembled genomes and the annotation (gff format) as well as the xml blast output are the input for the

4. Figure and Table generation

Source: figures_tables/

The contains all the code necessary to rebuild the figures and tables presented in the publication. Required metadata is provided in the metadata folder.

Muller plots aka evolvograms

Source: muller_evolvograms/

The muller plots (also called evolvograms) are generated using the the tool lolipop and the R-package ggmuller, which are wrapped together within the custom python code in


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