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Transformer to create tracks from gen particles
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BrieucF committed Apr 26, 2024
1 parent 871276d commit b3e330e
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Showing 4 changed files with 248 additions and 0 deletions.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions Tracking/CMakeLists.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,11 +3,13 @@ set(PackageName Tracking)


#if (GenFit_FOUND)

file(GLOB sources

file(GLOB headers
Expand All @@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ gaudi_add_module(${PackageName}
target_include_directories(${PackageName} PUBLIC

set_target_properties(${PackageName} PROPERTIES PUBLIC_HEADER "${headers}")
Expand All @@ -45,4 +48,9 @@ install(TARGETS ${PackageName}

install(FILES ${scripts} DESTINATION test)

SET(test_name "test_TracksFromGenParticles")
ADD_TEST(NAME ${test_name} COMMAND k4run test/

97 changes: 97 additions & 0 deletions Tracking/components/PlotTrackHitResiduals.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
// Gaudi
#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/Consumer.h"
#include "Gaudi/Accumulators/RootHistogram.h"
#include "Gaudi/Histograming/Sink/Utils.h"

// edm4hep
#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/SimTrackerHitCollection.h"

// marlin
#include <marlinutil/HelixClass_double.h>

#include "TH1D.h"

// Define BaseClass_t
#include "k4FWCore/BaseClass.h"

#include <string>

/** @class PlotTrackHitDistances
* Gaudi consumer that generates a residual distribution (mm) by comparing the helix from Track AtIP and simHit position.
* This is intended to be used on tracks produced from gen particles i.e. which do not have real hits attached to them.
* @author Brieuc Francois

struct PlotTrackHitDistances final
: Gaudi::Functional::Consumer<void(const edm4hep::SimTrackerHitCollection&, const edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection&), BaseClass_t> {
PlotTrackHitDistances(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
: Consumer(
name, svcLoc,
KeyValue("InputSimTrackerHits", "DCHCollection"),
KeyValue("InputTracksFromGenParticlesAssociation", "TracksFromGenParticlesAssociation"),
}) {}

void operator()(const edm4hep::SimTrackerHitCollection& simTrackerHits, const edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection& trackParticleAssociations) const override {

for (const auto& trackParticleAssociation : trackParticleAssociations) {
auto genParticle = trackParticleAssociation.getSim();
auto track = trackParticleAssociation.getRec();
edm4hep::TrackState trackStateAtIP;
bool found_trackStateAtIP = false;
for (const auto& trackState : track.getTrackStates()) {
if (trackState.location == edm4hep::TrackState::AtIP) {
trackStateAtIP = trackState;
found_trackStateAtIP = true;
if (!found_trackStateAtIP)
throw std::runtime_error("No track state defined AtIP, exiting!");

// Build an helix out of the trackState
auto helixFromTrack = HelixClass_double();
helixFromTrack.Initialize_Canonical(trackStateAtIP.phi, trackStateAtIP.D0, trackStateAtIP.Z0,, trackStateAtIP.tanLambda, m_Bz);

// Fill the histogram with residuals for hits attached to the same gen particle
for (const auto& simTrackerHit : simTrackerHits) {
auto simTrackerHitgenParticle = simTrackerHit.getParticle();
if (simTrackerHitgenParticle.getObjectID() == genParticle.getObjectID()) {
double simTrackerHitPosition[] = {simTrackerHit.x(), simTrackerHit.y(), simTrackerHit.z()};
double distances[3];
helixFromTrack.getDistanceToPoint(simTrackerHitPosition, distances);
// Distance[0] - distance in R-Phi plane, Distance[1] - distance along Z axis, Distance[2] - 3D distance
Gaudi::Property<float> m_Bz{this, "Bz", 2., "Z component of the (assumed constant) magnetic field in Tesla."};
mutable Gaudi::Accumulators::Histogram<1> m_residualHist{this, "", "Track-hit Distances", {100, 0, 1, "Distance [mm];Entries"}};

StatusCode finalize() override {
TFile file("track_hit_distances.root", "RECREATE");
std::string name = "";
// Name that will appear in the stats table
std::string histName = "Distances";
nlohmann::json jH {m_residualHist};
auto [histo, dir] = Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::jsonToRootHistogram<Gaudi::Histograming::Sink::Traits<false, TH1D, 1>>(name, histName, jH[0]);
// Add overflow bin to the last bin
int lastBinIndex = histo.GetNbinsX();
histo.SetBinContent(lastBinIndex, histo.GetBinContent(lastBinIndex) + histo.GetBinContent(lastBinIndex + 1));
// Name of the histogram in the ROOT file
return StatusCode::SUCCESS;


91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions Tracking/components/TracksFromGenParticles.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#include "Gaudi/Property.h"
#include "GaudiAlg/Transformer.h"

// edm4hep
#include "edm4hep/MCParticleCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/TrackCollection.h"
#include "edm4hep/MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection.h"

// marlin
#include <marlinutil/HelixClass_double.h>

// Define BaseClass_t
#include "k4FWCore/BaseClass.h"

#include <string>

/** @class TracksFromGenParticles
* Gaudi transformer that builds an edm4hep::TrackCollection out of an edm4hep::MCParticleCollection.
* It just builds an helix out of the genParticle position, momentum, charge and user defined z component of the (constant) magnetic field.
* From this helix, different edm4hep::TrackStates (AtIP, AtFirstHit, AtLastHit and AtCalorimeter) are defined. #FIXME for now these trackstates are dummy (copies of the same helix parameters)
* This is meant to enable technical development needing edm4hep::Track and performance studies where having generator based trackis is a reasonable approximation.
* Possible inprovement:
* - Retrieve magnetic field from geometry: const DD4hep::Field::MagneticField& magneticField = detector.field(); DD4hep::DDRec::Vector3D field = magneticField.magneticField(point);
* - Properly define different trackStates
* @author Brieuc Francois

struct TracksFromGenParticles final
: Gaudi::Functional::MultiTransformer<std::tuple<edm4hep::TrackCollection, edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection>(const edm4hep::MCParticleCollection&), BaseClass_t> {
TracksFromGenParticles(const std::string& name, ISvcLocator* svcLoc)
: MultiTransformer(
name, svcLoc,
{KeyValue("InputGenParticles", "MCParticles")},
{KeyValue("OutputTracks", "TracksFromGenParticles"),
KeyValue("OutputMCRecoTrackParticleAssociation", "TracksFromGenParticlesAssociation")}) {

std::tuple<edm4hep::TrackCollection, edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection> operator()(const edm4hep::MCParticleCollection& genParticleColl) const override {

auto outputTrackCollection = edm4hep::TrackCollection();
auto MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection = edm4hep::MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection();

for (const auto& genParticle : genParticleColl) {
debug() << "Particle decayed in tracker: " << genParticle.isDecayedInTracker() << endmsg;
debug() << genParticle << endmsg;

// Building an helix out of MCParticle properties and B field
auto helixFromGenParticle = HelixClass_double();
double genParticleVertex[] = {genParticle.getVertex().x, genParticle.getVertex().y, genParticle.getVertex().z};
double genParticleMomentum[] = {genParticle.getMomentum().x, genParticle.getMomentum().y, genParticle.getMomentum().z};
helixFromGenParticle.Initialize_VP(genParticleVertex, genParticleMomentum, genParticle.getCharge(), m_Bz);

// Setting the track and trackStates properties
// #FIXME for now, the different trackStates are dummy
auto trackFromGen = edm4hep::MutableTrack();
auto trackState_IP = edm4hep::TrackState {};
trackState_IP.location = edm4hep::TrackState::AtIP;
trackState_IP.D0 = helixFromGenParticle.getD0();
trackState_IP.phi = helixFromGenParticle.getPhi0(); = helixFromGenParticle.getOmega();
trackState_IP.Z0 = helixFromGenParticle.getZ0();
trackState_IP.tanLambda = helixFromGenParticle.getTanLambda();
auto trackState_AtFirstHit = edm4hep::TrackState(trackState_IP);
trackState_AtFirstHit.location = edm4hep::TrackState::AtFirstHit;
auto trackState_AtLastHit = edm4hep::TrackState(trackState_IP);
trackState_AtFirstHit.location = edm4hep::TrackState::AtLastHit;
auto trackState_AtCalorimeter = edm4hep::TrackState(trackState_IP);
trackState_AtFirstHit.location = edm4hep::TrackState::AtCalorimeter;

debug() << trackFromGen << endmsg;

// Building the association between tracks and genParticles
auto MCRecoTrackParticleAssociation = edm4hep::MutableMCRecoTrackParticleAssociation();
return std::make_tuple(std::move(outputTrackCollection), std::move(MCRecoTrackParticleAssociationCollection));

Gaudi::Property<float> m_Bz{this, "Bz", 2., "Z component of the (assumed constant) magnetic field in Tesla."};

52 changes: 52 additions & 0 deletions Tracking/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
from Configurables import ApplicationMgr
from Configurables import EventCounter
from Gaudi.Configuration import INFO, WARNING, DEBUG
import os

if not os.path.isfile("ddsim_output_edm4hep.root"):
os.system("ddsim --enableGun --gun.distribution uniform '10*GeV' --gun.particle e- --numberOfEvents 100 --outputFile ddsim_output_edm4hep.root --random.enableEventSeed --random.seed 42 --compactFile $K4GEO/FCCee/IDEA/compact/IDEA_o1_v02/IDEA_o1_v02.xml")

# Loading the output of the SIM step
from Configurables import k4DataSvc, PodioInput, PodioOutput
evtsvc = k4DataSvc('EventDataSvc')
evtsvc.input = "ddsim_output_edm4hep.root"
#evtsvc.input = "/afs/"
Nevts = -1
input_reader = PodioInput('InputReader')

# Calling TracksFromGenParticles
from Configurables import TracksFromGenParticles
tracksFromGenParticles = TracksFromGenParticles("TracksFromGenParticles",
InputGenParticles = "MCParticles",
OutputTracks = "TracksFromGenParticles",
OutputMCRecoTrackParticleAssociation = "TracksFromGenParticlesAssociation",
Bz = 2.0,
OutputLevel = INFO)

# produce a TH1 with distances between tracks and simTrackerHits
from Configurables import PlotTrackHitDistances
plotTrackHitDistances = PlotTrackHitDistances("PlotTrackHitDistances",
InputSimTrackerHits = "CDCHHits",
InputTracksFromGenParticlesAssociation = tracksFromGenParticles.OutputMCRecoTrackParticleAssociation,
Bz = 2.0)

# Output
from Configurables import PodioOutput
out = PodioOutput("out",
out.outputCommands = ["keep *"]
out.filename = "tracks_from_genParticle_output.root"

# Set auditor service
from Configurables import AuditorSvc, ChronoAuditor
chra = ChronoAuditor()
audsvc = AuditorSvc()
audsvc.Auditors = [chra]

TopAlg= [input_reader, tracksFromGenParticles, plotTrackHitDistances, out],
ExtSvc=[evtsvc, audsvc],

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