For Backend Setup please visit this Link :
#FrontEnd Setup This guide will help you set up the project locally on your machine.
Clone the project repository from the GitHub repository using the following command:
git clone
step 2 : Navigate to the project directory and install dependencies
cd sliderai
npm install
Step 3: Set Up Environment Variables Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.
Open the .env file in your preferred text editor.
Replace the placeholders with the appropriate values for the following variables:
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID = <your_google_client_id>
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET = <your_google_client_secret>
NEXTAUTH_SECRET = <your_nextauth_secret>
NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL = Your_Own_Backend_Url(Might include in .env.local if .env doesnot work)
Step 4: Start the Development Server Once you have set up the environment variables, you can start the development server using the following command:
npm run dev
step 5 : Access the Project at http:localhost:3000
step 6 : After Project Running
Get Your own Gemini Ai Api Key by following these steps:
1: Go to Gemini AI Studio
2: Click on Create API
3: Select your project
4: Finally, copy the generated API key and paste it here