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Table of Contents 📚

## Overview 🔎

This project focuses on automating CRUD operations for JSON files, making it easy to manage and manipulate data. It offers a user-friendly interface for performing essential actions on JSON files, such as creating, reading, updating, and deleting records.

Key Features

  • Dynamic Schema Handling: Define table schemas using JSON files and dynamically generate CRUD operations.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: Compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems.
  • Effortless Setup: Use provided batch files for Windows or simple commands for other OS to set up the project quickly.
  • Automatic Frontend Setup: Automatically creates a frontend codebase in the public/JsonCRUD directory.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: Leveraging the power of JavaScript on the server-side.
  • Express.js: A minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework for building robust APIs.
  • SQLite: A lightweight, file-based database for efficient data storage.
  • npm: The package manager for Node.js used for installing project dependencies.

## Installation 🚀

  1. Create a folder and navigate into it using the command prompt.

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone
  3. Change Directory to crudGenByPath or Open the cloned folder, navigate to crudGenBDAll, and open the command prompt.

     cd crudGenBDAll
  4. Run the batch file (For Windows)


    This Above Command runs the following in Windows npm i and node KCode/EntryFile.js

    For Mac or Linux: chmod +x and sh

  5. For Executing:

   npm run start

## Folder Structure

├── KCode/
│   └── EntryFile.js
├── public/
│   └── JsonCRUD/
│       └── bin/
│           └── (frontend code)
├── KData/
│   └── JSON/
│       └── 316/
│           └── data.db
├── FromTableColumns/
│   └── customers.json
├── FromData/
│   └── (JSON files)
├── bin/
│   └── (backend code)
├── BoilerPlate.bat
├── package.json
├── .env

Database location :


## Purpose of the Project 🎯

The primary objective is to simplify the process of managing and interacting with JSON files. By automating CRUD operations, this project aims to enhance efficiency and reduce the complexity of handling JSON data.

## Important Points

Date: 24 Jan 2024 Stopped using encrypted SQLite database due to the unavailability of npm modules and limited knowledge within the team.

advanced users follow the below steps also

create .env file KS_SECRET_FORLOGIN=9848163021

from Keshav

table name : Users, is needed for user management


ready with only flat json

if want to run the repo without npm

BoilerPlate.bat -npm

## Advanced Installation 🚀

the below steps avoids, npm installation, there by saving internet bandwidth.

Follow Installation steps 1, 2, 3 then

  1. Run the batch file (For Windows)

    BoilerPlate.bat -npm
  2. For Executing:

   npm run start

Purpose of this project

at the root location KCode

DataSchema define your schema

CrudGenerator/Config.json is the configuration file

the meaning of the repo

crud CRUD
Gen Generate
FBD Frontend, Backend and Database
All Selection at 3 stages

UI or FrontEnd repository

for Source only (src), to test the application

  1. Create a folder and navigate into it using the command prompt.

  2. Clone the repository

    git clone
  3. Change Directory to crudGenByPath or Open the cloned folder, navigate to crudGenBDAll, and open the command prompt.

     cd crudGenBDAll
  4. Run the batch file (For Windows)

  5. For Executing:

   npm run dev

24 Feb 2024

added support for reference or foreign key of the database, and tested it with 320 in sqlite

in kcode config.json is keep in kcode root for much more cleaner look of the code

for mock testing the end points:

visual studio code extensions, helpfull :

for est client or http calling

code runner for executing batch files and js files

for Backend :

root : bin folder the code is generated from

when running the file from kcode/Backend.js

for Database :

root : KData/JSON folder the code is generated from

when running the file from kcode/Database.js

it takes the configuration file ( config.json )

and it takes the data path also from that file only

28 Feb 2024

5 March 2024

for Database Mysql dosent have a datatype named NUMBER

We have covered the below datatypes


Databases covered

Flat JSON SQLite Mysql Postgres MongoDB

errors can occur for mysql2 npm package for python sqlite3 npm also error can come


Generate all from json schema






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