Net::SSH::Socks is a library for programmatically creating a SOCKS proxy server that tunnels through SSH. Similar to Net::SSH::Service::Forward#local except the host is dynamic (determined by the client application, such as a browser).
Useful for securing traffic over SSH or getting in/out of a firewall.
- If your company blocks certain sites/resources but allows SSH, then you can tunnel out to a machine outside the firewall.
- If you need to access sites/resources inside a firewall, then you can tunnel into a machine inside the firewall.
- Encrypt your traffic to protect yourself from things like Firesheep on public wifi.
require 'net/ssh/socks'
Net::SSH.start('host', 'user') do |ssh|
ssh.loop { true }
Now, configure your browser to use a SOCKS proxy at localhost:8080
gem install net-ssh-socks