- Introduction
- Requirements
- Installation
- Configuration
- Maintenance
- Maintainers
The EZProxy Stanza module helps to manage your EZProxy configuration files, and keeps the stanzas up to date with OCLC's stanzas.
For a full description of the module visit: https://www.drupal.org/project/ezproxy_stanza
To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit: https://www.drupal.org/project/issues/ezproxy_stanza
This module requires the following outside of Drupal core.
- Drupal's private filesystem configured
- Git installed on your web server
- A private, hosted git repository in a management system such as GitLab or GitHub to store your EZProxy configuration files.
- cpliakas/git-wrapper (will automatically be installed if using composer)
- Weight module (will automatically be installed if using composer)
- Install the EZProxy Stanza module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit https://www.drupal.org/node/1897420 for further information.
1. Navigate to Administration > Extend and enable the module.
2. Navigate to Administration > People > Permissions and assign the "EZProxy
Admin" role to users you want to be able to make changes to the EZProxy
configuration files.
3. Navigate to Administration > Content > EZProxy > Settings and provide the
URL and access information for the private git repository.
4. Choose whether or not to have the local repository automatically updated
from the remote. Not configuring this has a performance impact. The
webhook will keep your local repository up to date with changes made
outside of this system. If you don't configure this, every time you
perform an action your system will need to check in with your remote
repository to ensure it is up to date.
5. Authenticate the repository by entering the private SSH key. Save.
If using SSH to authenticate with your local repo, there is a known issue when initially setting this up. visit issue #2922545: Adding to known_hosts on initial install.
However often your Drupal cron is configured, your system will check if OCLC has made any updates to its stanzas. Any updates will be imported into your Drupal system. The respective stanza's node will be updated (and a revision made). If the stanza is in the config.txt all EZProxy administrators will be sent an email alert.
- Joe Corall (joe.corall) - https://www.drupal.org/u/joecorall