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Merge multiple swagger files into a swagger file, support JSON/YAML.
- Merge multiple swagger files into a swagger file.
- $ref - A tag, include a single-level of swagger file.
- $ref#* - A tag, include a multi-level of swagger file.
- Support JSON/YAML swagger files(
). - CLI - Command line interface.
Includes a single-level of swagger file.
- Official standards
- Recommended, universal
For example:
$ref: "./host.yaml"
- $ref: "./name.yaml"
- $ref: "./year.yaml"
- $ref: "./age.yaml#/alex/son"
$ref: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WindomZ/swagger-merger/remote.yaml#/name"
$ref: "./responses.yaml#/post"
Includes a multi-level of swagger file.
- Non-standard, suggest you use it for yourself
- Instead of
, can be used side by side and not an array
For example:
$ref#pets: "./paths/pets.yaml"
$ref#pets-id: "./paths/pets-id.yaml"
$ref#pets: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WindomZ/swagger-merger/pets.yaml"
$ref#error: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WindomZ/swagger-merger/error.yaml"
How to use?
$ swagger-merger -h
Usage: swagger-merger [-h] [-v] [-c] [-o file] <-i file | file>
Merge multiple swagger files into a swagger file, just support JSON/YAML.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-i, --input <file> input a main/entry JSON/YAML swagger file
-o, --output <file> output a merged JSON/YAML swagger file, default is `swagger.*`
-c, --compact compact JSON/YAML format string
--debug debug mode, such as print error tracks
Easy to use.
swagger-merger -i in.yaml # Merge in.yaml into swagger.yaml
swagger-merger -i in.yaml -o out.yaml # Merge in.yaml into out.yaml
swagger-merger -i in.yaml -o out.yaml -c # Merge in.yaml into out.yaml and compress it
swagger-merger -i in.yaml -o out.json # Merge in.yaml into out.json
swagger-merger -i in.json # Merge in.json into swagger.json
swagger-merger -i in.json -o out.json # Merge in.json into out.json
swagger-merger -i in.json -o out.json -c # Merge in.json into out.json and compress it
swagger-merger -i in.json -o out.yaml # Merge in.json into out.yaml
npm install swagger-merger -g
It would be more helpful to see these examples.
Open the terminal, choose one of the following ways:
npm install npm run test
yarn yarn run test
swagger-merger (installed, go to each examples)
swagger-merger -i index.yaml swagger-merger -i index.json
Then, these examples may help you:
- Official swagger example
- No modification
Go to example/heroku-pets
- The output
is same as the expectedheroku-pets.json
. - The output
is similar to the expectedheroku-pets.yaml
- Base on official swagger example
- Modify to support for $ref tags
Go to example/echo
- The output
is same as the expectedecho.json
. - The output
is similar to the expectedecho.yaml
- Base on official swagger example
- Modify to support for $ref#* tags
Go to example/petstore_simple
- The output
is same as the expectedpetstore_simple.json
. - The output
is similar to the expectedpetstore_simple.yaml
A way of using $ref instead of $ref#*, and better compatibility.
- Same as petstore_simple
- Modify to support for $ref tags
- Modify to support for multiple levels schema
Go to example/petstore_domain
- The output
is same as the expectedpetstore_simple.json
. - The output
is similar to the expectedpetstore_simple.yaml
Welcome to pull requests, report bugs, suggest ideas and discuss swagger-merger, i would love to hear what you think about swagger-merger on issues page.
If you like it then you can put a ⭐ on it.