#P2: Tournament Results
Common code for the Relational Databases and Full Stack Fundamentals courses from Udacity.
Project 2 additions by Kellen Proctor on 13 July 2015
####INTRODUCTION: Tournament Results contains a database schema with tables tp record players in a tournament, record matches between them, and two views for finding a win count, and a matches played count. Also included are Python files for adding information to the database tables, and an untouched test file to make sure that Python code runs!
####FILES: tournament.sql - contains database schema tournament.py - contains python code for interacting with database tournament_test.py - contains tests for python code
####DOWNLOAD: Please clone to your most convenient directory (folder) via the following command:
git clone https://github.com/kellenproctor/tournament-results.git
####RUNNING: Please open a terminal, navigate to /vagrant, and run the following commands:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant/tournament
This will get you into the tournament directory, where you can interact with the files as listed above. To initiate the tournament database, run the following command:
psql -c "\i tournament.sql"
Further, the tourament_test.py file is can be run by the following command:
python tournament_test.py
Now enjoy interacting with the code!
######Enjoy your experience! All feedback is welcome!
A second stab at these, thanks to some help from Udacity and some resources from coach (unknown).