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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 API

Run in Postman Deploy

This is an API for the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statistics.

Source of data for this API is Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering (JHU CSSE) Github Repository.

Using API, you can search COVID-19 confirmed, death and recovered cases all around the world.

API is hosted with support of Heroku and MongoDB Atlas at . First API call takes time as Heroku moves inactive apps into sleep mode.

Installation steps

Deploy via Docker


  1. Docker
  2. Docker Compose
  3. Internet connection


  1. Navigate to the project root directory where docker-compose.yml file is present.

  2. Run the following command in the same folder via terminal. It deploys the server using docker-compose.

       docker-compose up -d --force-recreate


    • up creates and starts containers
    • -d daemon mode
    • --force-recreate Re-creates containers if there any
  3. Your server would be running at port 3000 on localhost

Useful commands

  • docker-compose logs shows logs from all containers
  • docker logs <container_name> shows logs from selected container
  • docker-compose down <container_name> removes existing containers

Deploy without Docker


  1. Node (Tested with v12.13.1)
  2. MongoDB (Tested with v4.2)
  3. Internet connection

For MongoDB, I have used official Docker image, you can either use the same or install direcly on your system. Default configuration used in project assumes everything default with the Docker image, if you want to change any configuration, change it in your environment specific file in config folder.

  "dbHost": "production-db-host",
  "dbPort": "production-db-port",
  "dbName": "production-db-name",
  "dbUsername": "production-db-username",
  "dbPassword": "production-db-password"

MongoDB configuration can also be provided by environment variable db_connection_string. If this is provided we skip all the above defined config variables.

There is no need to configure any collection and documents in MongoDB. To start the server, please run following command while being at root of project

  npm install
  node index.js

This will start a server at port 3000 on localhost.

If you want to use different port or any other configuration, you can update the same in config file under config folder. Here each file represents different config sets and can be chosen by setting NODE_ENV environment variable before starting the server. for e.g.

  NODE_ENV=development node index.js

Accessing local server

  1. Make GET request to below url via Postman, for more details visit below section. You can also get this data via opening this link in browser.

  2. Populate base data by calling below endpoint

  3. To get your data, visit


List of available APIs

Public Documentation has been made available. Here is a Run in Postman button to import the same and test. Case types are confirmed, deaths and recovered. Open API 3 Spec is present in repo with name open-api-3-spec.yml.

  baseurl = http://localhost:3000/api/v1
  1. Get information on all types of cases for all countries

      endpoint = /cases
  2. Get information on all types of cases for particular country

      endpoint = /cases?country=countryname
      example: /cases?country=India
  3. Get information about particular case for all countries

      endpoint = /cases/country/:casetype
      example: /cases/country/confirmed
  4. Get information about particular case found in all states of differnt countries

      endpoint = /cases/state/:casetype
      example: /cases/state/confirmed
  5. Get information about particular case found in all states of particular countries

      endpoint = /cases/state/:casetype?country=countryname
      example: /cases/state/confirmed?country=India
  6. To Refresh COVID-19 server data with latest data provided by JHU CSSE

      endpoint = /refresh