This script is created to help deploy a full and ready AWS environment for users unfamiliar with AWS and Openshift.
Usage: Download All files in this git repo.
Make sure you have insatlled the AWS CLI
On Fedora run "dnf install aws" On RHEL run: curl "" -o ""
sudo ./awscli-bundle/install -i /usr/local/aws -b /usr/local/bin/aws
The script is not that smart yet so it will only find the aws binary in /usr/local/bin/aws
Setup AWS:
hen you do a aws configure and insert the secrets you have created in AWS otherwise this script wont work.
$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID []: AWS Secret Access Key []: Default region name [us-west-2]: Default output format [text]:
If you dont know how to get your keys here is the manual. In AWS console:
Click on your Name in the right corner, Click Security credentials press the button "Create new access key" , this will ask you to download the access key. which you should.
Regions are displayed here:
REGIONS eu-west-1 REGIONS ap-southeast-1 REGIONS ap-southeast-2 REGIONS eu-central-1 REGIONS ap-northeast-2 REGIONS ap-northeast-1 REGIONS us-east-1 REGIONS sa-east-1 REGIONS us-west-1 REGIONS us-west-2
rhpool = from from "subscription-manager list --avalibale --all" (take the repo with openshift in it its the long number)
awsrhid = this is the ID from your AWS console LAUNCH Instance you can pick Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.2 (HVM), SSD Volume Type - ami-775e4f16 (take the ami- number and insert here) (REMBER TO BE IN THE ZONE YOU WANT TO DEPLOY IN THEY ARE DIFFRENT)
awsregion = use one of the regions listed
dnsopt = dnsname of router and servers could be or depending on what you own.
awsdns = true / false , if set to true you will use route53 on AWS, otherwise you will need to have your own dns server setup, you will however need a domain on AWS aswell to use this feature.
awsdnszone = you get this id from you route53 UI or trough command line it should be the ID of the domain you are using in dnsopt.
== --rhuser --rhpool= --cluster <true/false> --clusterid --awsrhid --awsregion --dnsopt= --awsdns <true/false> --awsdnszone=
./ --rhuser [email protected] --rhpool=888sd88625557899765454678161625 --cluster false --clusterid rhnew --awsrhid ami-7782jjs6 --awsregion us-west-2 --awsdns=true --awsdnszone=ZHSSADHHJA39
That is it your aws environment will now spin up this will take some time. If it hangs during a server update (patch) try and press enter, it could simply be a glitch in your ssh connection.
Currently this will spin up. One NFS server, One SSH Master server where the ansible playbook will run from, One Master, One Infranode (internet traffic) and Two nodes for pods.
This is a demo environment so there will not be alot of space for pods, we might have to change this later or make it a setup option.