This extension enhances your workflow with easy switching between π related Ember files and layouts in Visual Studio Code. It also includes a collection of Ember JS and Handlebars snippets to streamline your development process.
Unleash the power of quick file switching with these enchanted keybindings:
- π Mac:
Cmd + R
- π₯οΈ Win/Linux:
Ctrl + R
- Route β Controller β Template
- Component β Template
- Classic
- Pods
- JavaScript (.js)
- TypeScript (.ts)
- Handlebars (.hbs)
Below is a list of available Handlebars snippets and their triggers. The β₯ represents the TAB
Trigger | Spell |
get |
{{get ${1:object} "${2:property}"}} |
act |
{{action "${1:actionName}"}} |
act1 |
{{action "${1:name}" ${2:param}}} |
log |
{{log ${1:var}}} |
linkto |
<LinkTo @route="${1:route}"> ${2} </LinkTo> |
inif |
{{if ${1:condition} "${2:true-output}" "${3:false-output}"}} |
if |
{{#if ${1:condition}}} ${2} {{/if}} |
ifel |
{{#if ${1:condition}}} ${2} {{else}} ${3} {{/if}} |
ifelif |
{{#if ${1:condition1}}} ${2} {{else if ${3:condition2}}} ${4} {{/if}} |
each |
{{#each ${1:list} as |${2:item}|}} ${3} {{/each}} |
eachx |
{{#each ${1:list} as |${2:item} ${3:index}|}} ${4} {{/each}} |
eachin |
{{#each-in ${1:object} as |${2:key} ${3:value}|}} ${4} {{/each-in}} |
eachinel |
{{#each-in ${1:object} as |${2:key} ${3:value}|}} ${4} {{else}} ${5} {{/each-in}} |
comp |
<${1:component} @${2:arg1}="${3:value1}" @${4:arg2}="${5:value2}"> ${6} </${1:component}> |
concat |
{{concat ${1:string1} ${2:string2}}} |
let |
{{#let ${1:value} as |${2:name}|}} ${3} {{/let}} |
Trigger: ecomputed
get ${1:computedPropertyName}() {
return ${2:// Computed property implementation};
Trigger: ecomputed-classic
${1:computedPropertyName}: computed('${2:dependentKey}', function() {
return ${3:// Computed property implementation};
Trigger: ecomponent
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
export default class ${1:ComponentName} extends Component {
${2:handleAction}() {
${3:// Action implementation}
Trigger: ecomponent-classic
import Component from '@ember/component';
export default Component.extend({
${1:// component properties and methods}
actions: {
${2:actionName}() {
${3:// Action implementation}
Trigger: ecomponent-ts
import Component from '@glimmer/component';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
interface ${1:ComponentName}Args {
${2:// Define component arguments}
export default class ${1:ComponentName} extends Component<${1:ComponentName}Args> {
${3:handleAction}(): void {
${4:// Action implementation}
Trigger: eroute
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default class ${1:RouteName} extends Route {
async model(params) {
${2:// Fetch and return the model}
Trigger: eroute-classic
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
export default Route.extend({
model(params) {
${1:// Fetch and return the model}
Trigger: econtroller
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { action } from '@ember/object';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
export default class ${1:ControllerName} extends Controller {
@tracked ${2:property} = ${3:initialValue};
${4:handleAction}() {
${5:// Action implementation}
Trigger: econtroller-classic
import Controller from '@ember/controller';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
export default Controller.extend({
${1:property}: null,
${2:computedProperty}: computed('${3:dependentKey}', function() {
${4:// Computed property implementation}
actions: {
${5:actionName}() {
${6:// Action implementation}
Trigger: eservice
import Service from '@ember/service';
import { tracked } from '@glimmer/tracking';
export default class ${1:ServiceName} extends Service {
@tracked ${2:property} = ${3:initialValue};
${4:methodName}() {
${5:// Method implementation}
Trigger: eservice-classic
import Service from '@ember/service';
export default Service.extend({
${1:property}: null,
${2:methodName}() {
${3:// Method implementation}
Trigger: ehelper
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
function ${1:helperName}([${2:param1}, ${3:param2}], hash) {
${4:// Helper implementation}
export default helper(${1:helperName});
Trigger: ehelper-classic
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper';
export function ${1:helperName}([${2:param1}, ${3:param2}], hash) {
${4:// Helper implementation}
export default helper(${1:helperName});
Trigger: eaction
${1:actionName}(${2:event}) {
${3:// Action implementation}
Trigger: eaction-classic
actions: {
${1:actionName}(${2:event}) {
${3:// Action implementation}
Trigger: etest
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { setupTest } from 'ember-qunit';
module('${1:ModuleName}', function(hooks) {
test('${2:it does something}', async function(assert) {
${3:// Test implementation}
Trigger: emodel
import Model, { attr, belongsTo, hasMany } from '@ember-data/model';
export default class ${1:ModelName} extends Model {
@attr('string') ${2:attribute1};
@attr('number') ${3:attribute2};
@belongsTo('${4:otherModel}') ${5:relationship1};
@hasMany('${6:anotherModel}') ${7:relationship2};
Trigger: emodel-classic
import DS from 'ember-data';
export default DS.Model.extend({
${1:attribute1}: DS.attr('string'),
${2:attribute2}: DS.attr('number'),
${3:relationship1}: DS.belongsTo('${4:otherModel}'),
${5:relationship2}: DS.hasMany('${6:anotherModel}')