This is a template repository for exercises designed to teach and practice interfacing ODK with R. This template repository can be used within a GitHub Classroom environment.
This repository currently includes the following exercises:
This exercise is the most basic and simplest. Install the odkr and okapi packages in your R installation in your own local machines.
Starter code for this exercise is named exercise_1_install_packages.R
This exercise is for retreiving data from ONA using the odkr package. You now have access to a testing ONA server with the account name validtrial with a form called Test Server. You can access this account using your own ONA account. Using this and using the documentation available from the odkr package (see, show R code that will retrieve the data from the Test Server form.
Starter code for this exercise is named exercise_2_retrieve_odkr.R
This exercise is for retreiving data from ONA using the okapi package. You now have access to a testing ONA server with the account name validtrial with a form called Test Server. You can access this account using your own ONA account. Using this and using the documentation available from the okapi package (see, show R code that will retrieve the data from the Test Server form.
Starter code for this exercise is named exercise_3_retrieve_okapi.R