This Lightroom Classic Plug-In allows importing keywords as well as title, headline and description to photos from a CSV file which is e. g. written by the PhotoTagger app.
- Download the latest release version
- Unzip it
- In Lightroom Classic, choose File -> Plug-in Manager
- Select Add in the lower left.
- Choose the plugin directory and click Add Plug-in.
Use the PhotoTagger app to tag photos and export the CSV File to your machine running Lightroom Classic.
- In Lightroom Classic, choose Library -> Plug-in Extras -> Import CSV (Photo Tagger)
- Select the file exported from PhotoTagger.
- See how the the plug-in imports metadata in the progress bar in the upper left.
See the PhotoTagger homepage for detailed information about the app and the plug-in, as well as further information, privacy policy and legal information.