This repository contains the implementation of graph bandit algorithms and the corresponding numerical experiments. The code are written in Python.
Python packages required for running the experiments:
- For running the Python notebooks: jupyter notebook or jupyter lab.
- Graph-related utilities: networkx.
- Plotting utilities: matplotlib, seaborn.
- For showing the progress bar during the experiments: tqdm.
- For saving and loading experiment data: pickle.
Quick Start: Directly run the 'Robotic Application.ipynb' notebook to see the network used in our robotic application and the regret for our proposed algorithm. the class definition of graph bandit environment, which includes a class method that trains a Q-learning agent. contains the agent implementing our propose algorithm(under the name doubling_agent), as well as the local Thompson Sampling and UCB agents. contains a function that visits all nodes at least once(used in initialization), and the train_agent() function. the shortest path algorithm for off-line planning. contains a graph generator, a graph drawing utility, and a wrapper for training a Q-learning agent.
Main.ipynb: contains the experiments comparing our proposed algorithm with various benchmarks on various graphs.
Main Plotting.ipynb: plotting utilities for the results obtained from Main.ipynb
Sensitivity Analysis.ipynb: experiments showing how the performance of our algorithm depends on graph parameters
Robotic Application.ipynb: contains the synthetic robotic application of providing Internet access to rural/suburban areas using an UAV.
Direct SP.ipynb: additional experiments comparing two ways of reaching the destination node in one iteration, a section described in the technical appendix.
Direct SP Plotting.ipynb: the plotting notebook for Direct SP.ipynb.