Scoresim is a programming contest scoreboard simulator, for ACM-ICPC teams. You have to choose a competition and the simulator will show the scoreboard minute by minute.
First you have to download Stack:
sudo apt install haskell-stack
stack setup
stack build
stack exec scoresim
If there are not errors, writing you can see the home screen.
You have to create an user. You have to load a competition passing an html file. You can add your own teams. There are a few competitions already loaded. Press start/pause/stop.
- Parser: To parse an html.
- Parser Kattis: An instance of parser to parse a kattis html.
- Score: To upload scoreboards.
- Teams: Your teams.
- ContestPrinter: Print the scoreboard
- User: User interface.
- Form: User actions.
For more detail, see the report (Informe.pdf) in spanish.