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The mllrnrs R package ships with additional ML learners for mlexperiments.

Currently implemented learners are:

Name Based on Description / Tasks
LearnerGlmnet glmnet::glmnet General interface to glmnet (examples available for families binomial , multinomial, and regression
LearnerLightgbm lightgbm::lgb.train General interface to lightgbm (examples available for objectives binary , multiclass, and regression
LearnerRanger ranger::ranger General interface to ranger (examples available for tasks binary , multiclass, and regression
LearnerXgboost xgboost::xgb.train General interface to xgboost (examples available for objectives binary:logistic , multi:softprob, and reg:squarederror

For a short introduction on how to use the learners together with the mlexperiments R package, please visit the wiki page.

Some learner for survival tasks are implemented in the mlsurvlrnrs R package.


mllrnrs can be installed directly from CRAN:


To install the development version, run
