Major refactor - API breaking changes
Refactor to include runtime component to reduce amount of JavaPoet usage
Remove static mode (added note in README about how to setup for static access)
Remove convenience methods for getters. All assets and folder classes are now static to avoid memory leaks
Other changes
Improvement: Add clearTypefaceCache()
methods for reclaiming cached memory
Feature: Add ImageAsset class for JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF assets, with width and height fields
Feature: Implement convenience getter for ImageAsset bitmaps, and bitmap caching
Feature: Add SvgAsset class for SVG/SVGZ assets
Feature: Implement getSvgDrawable()
and getSvgBitmap()
helper methods in Crate
(requires com.caverock:androidsvg:1.2.1
Feature: Implement PictureDrawable
caching to dramatically speedup SVG retrieval
Improvement: Use content type rather than file extension for categorising assets
Improvement: Add builder pattern and support for clearing specific asset caches
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