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Plugin UserList

fusion94 edited this page Feb 21, 2013 · 1 revision


This plugin displays a list of users logged into Kandan.


There's no real usage guidelines. This is a CORE plugin and shouldn't be removed.


class Kandan.Plugins.UserList

  @widget_title: "People"
  @widget_icon_url: "/assets/people_icon.png"
  @pluginNamespace: "Kandan.Plugins.UserList"

  @template: _.template '''
    <div class="user clearfix">
      <img class="avatar" src="<%= gravatarHash %>?s=25&d="/>
      <span class="name"><%= name %></span>

  @render: ($el)->
    $users = $("<div class='user_list'></div>")

    for user in Kandan.Data.ActiveUsers.all()
      displayName   = null
      displayName   = user.username # Defaults to username
      displayName ||= # Revert to user email address if that's all we have

      $users.append @template({
        name: displayName,
        gravatarHash: user.gravatar_hash

  @init: ()->
    Kandan.Widgets.register @pluginNamespace
    Kandan.Data.ActiveUsers.registerCallback "change", ()=>
      Kandan.Widgets.render @pluginNamespace