Some code examples of my work
Here you will find mostly C# code applied to Godot, my engine of choice. There are also one or two Unity scripts, also in C#.
Some code is still experimental, some of it is just for testing but this actually reflects code in a real project, not idealised, "perfect" code that is only for portfolios :)
Later on I might add some Swift iOS code as well.
The most important thing about good code is not knowing the syntax, that's the easiest bit, hell you can look it up any time. The most important things are good architecture; clean, descriptive code with good naming; proper use of Design Patterns; proper use of Best Practices (SOLID, YAGNI, DRY, etc); humility and a passion for learning.
If you're not learning, you're stagnant :)
If you think you know it all already, it might be time to look for a new challenge.