Vaahan Wallah is a sophisticated system time-based CLI simulator developed using C++ and driven by our strong grasp of OOP (Object Oriented Programming) concepts. By incorporating a diverse range of vehicles, we have demonstrated the program's potential to accommodate future expansions. This project not only showcases our technical capabilities but also highlights our team's collaborative spirit and dedication to delivering high-quality software solutions.
We highly encourage you to try this project on your systems.
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd Vaahan-Wallah
Developed as a CLI project in C++, it serves as a testament to our team's proficiency in object-oriented programming (OOP) and our dedication to showcasing our knowledge and skills.
Throughout the course of the project, we have gained invaluable insights into designing and animating terminal interfaces, as well as implementing various OOP concepts like:
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Hierarchical Inheritance along with
- File handling (as the database)
By combining our technical expertise with effective teamwork, we have successfully built a robust and feature-rich simulator.
By seamlessly integrating OOP principles into the design and implementation of Vaahan Wallah, we have achieved a modular and extensible codebase. This approach enables easy maintenance, scalability, and the addition of new features.
PPT, pdf and video to the project already uploaded in the repo.