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Releases: kaizen-cmd/cpp-tcp-server-tic-tac-toe


20 Jan 04:34
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Release Notes - Version 1.0

🚀 New Features

Server and Client Implementation

  • Server (game_tcp_server):

    • TCP server implementation to handle two clients for playing Tic Tac Toe.
    • Listens for client connections and assigns 'X' and 'O' to connected clients.
    • Utilizes a multi-threaded approach for handling multiple client connections simultaneously.
    • Displays connection details of clients and welcomes them to the Tic Tac Toe game.
  • Client (game_client):

    • Connects to the Tic Tac Toe server using a TCP connection.
    • Implements a simple console-based user interface for making moves in the Tic Tac Toe game.
    • Receives and displays messages and moves from the server.

Tic Tac Toe Game Logic

  • Tic Tac Toe Game (TicTacToe.cpp, TicTacToe.h):
    • Implements the core logic for the Tic Tac Toe game.
    • Allows two clients to play the game, making moves using a custom protocol.
    • Checks for a winner, validates moves, and updates the game board.
    • Communicates with the server and clients through the provided API.

🎮 Gameplay Enhancements

  • Move Format:

    • Players can make moves using the format MOVXY, where X and Y are the coordinates (0-2).
    • Example: MOV11 represents placing a symbol in the center of the Tic Tac Toe board.
  • Player Assignment:

    • Clients are assigned 'X' and 'O' upon connection to the server.
    • The server announces the player's assigned symbol upon connection.

📝 Additional Notes

  • GitHub Actions:

    • Automated build and test workflows using GitHub Actions.
    • Automatic release generation for binaries when code is merged into the main branch.
    • Tagged releases follow the format v1.x, where x is the GitHub Actions run number.
  • Clean Code Structure:

    • Organized project structure into distinct folders (src/tcp_server, src/client, src/boardGames).
    • Clear separation of server, client, and game logic.

🛠️ Contribution

For information on building and running the project, please refer to the file. Contributions are welcome!