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EIDA AAI based on B2ACCESS OAuth2.0 (Draft)


Implementing federated restricted data access for EIDA Web-Services based on the contemporary FDSNWS Specifications (Version 1.1b) (i.e. HTTP Digest authentication RFC2617) is not possible: User credentials are hashed before being passed from a client to eida-federator/fdsnws-dataselect/queryauth and consequently cannot be restored and reused for accessing EIDA endpoints (i.e. eida-endpoint/fdsnws-dataselect/queryauth) to be federated.

Protected resources of SeisComp3 FDSNWS instances currently implement restricted data access both by means of HTTP Digest authentication and a token based authentication mechanism. Due to the original requirement to stick to the current FDSNWS standard the implementation is based on:

  • EUDAT B2ACCESS (federated identities e.g. eduGAIN) SAML2.0 token based authorization,
  • a custom client service implementation wrapping the SAML2.0 tokens issued by B2ACCESS into a custom token format,
  • a custom access token format based on a PGP ASCII-armored, digitally signed JSON object
  • and an additional /auth resource for EIDA-ERS instances.

Henceforth, accessing a protected resource is implemented following a two-step approach:

  1. The client has to transmit the access token using the service’s /auth resource; the web-service then returns FDSNWS standard conform access credentials
  2. The client uses those access credentials to access the protected resource (i.e. the /queryauth resource)

It is correct that a token based AAI mechanism much better fulfils the requirements of a federated FDSNWS environment. Unfortunately, from the client’s point of view, the approach is not straight forward to use. In addition, it introduces multiple serious security issues.

This document describes a token based AAI mechanism within EIDA relying on current AAI standards. In favor of a full featured token based AAI mechanism we partly must break compatibility with the current FDSN Web-Service standard for restricted data access.

Open Questions

  • [ ] Should protected resources of EIDA-RS implement both HTTP POST and GET methods? If clients make use of the HTTP GET method it should be emphazized that access tokens might be logged.

    Internally, when speaking about proxied access, protected resources of EIDA-GRS instances MUST call other protected resources of EIDA-RS instances by means of the HTTP POST method.

  • [ ] For the purpose of access token session registration/unregistration EIDA-AS needs to uniquely identify protected resources of EIDA-GRS ideally independent from the resource server’s IP address. Which approach to be chosen to implement unique identification?

    Suggestion: Protected resource certificate authentication

    EIDA-AS authenticates protected resources of EIDA-RS by means of certificates and optionally by checking the IP address range. Calls from protected resources to the registration, introspection and unregistration endpoint of EIDA-AS may be signed. Signing might be implemented by e.g.:

    HTTP Signatures (Draft) and the custom PGP based payload signature would be compatible with standards such as RFC7662.

    JWT (RFC7519) both is well standardized and provides payload signature JWS (RFC7515), however, its usage is not compatible with OAuth2.0 Token Introspection (RFC7662).

  • [ ] As a consequence of the previous question and the purposed solution, a second question arises i.e. which approach to be chosen in order to obtain an automatic certificate signing request (CSR) infrastructure?


    Ideally, EIDA-AS implements its own custom CSR endpoint. Hence, public keys of protected resources would be signed by a EIDA online certificate authority (CA). The larges benefit: Access control to EIDA-AS depends exclusively on the EIDA online CA. Even though, this approach seems to be the most generic, further questions arise, such as:

    • Costs of implementing own CSR infrastructure?
    • Which approach to be chosen in order to obtain automatic CSR issued? (An exemplary approach may be Let’s Encrypt’s certbot).

    B2ACCESS implements a CSR endpoint. Certificates are issued based on the online EUDAT CA. In principle, protected resources may use this facility to obtain certificates. Limitations and restrictions are:

    • Certificates have a lifetime limited to 12 hours. As a consequence, protected resources of EIDA-RS instances would need to repeatedly issue CSRs (e.g. every 9 hours). Furthermore, installing and renewing the certificates manually is no option.
    • In order to issue a CSR, protected resources within EIDA would need to be equipped with a CSR issuing tool similar to Let’s Encrypt’s certbot. The EIDA CSR-tool (EIDA-CSR) would need to be A) registered as B2ACCESS OAuth2.0 client (Currently, client registration seems to be only manually possible.) B) implement one of the OAuth2.0 flows allowed by B2ACCESS.
    • Besides, a technical user would be required to obtain OAuth2.0 bearer access tokens from B2ACCESS.

    Alternatively, another third-party CA may be used.


    • Security
    • Scalability; includes automatic protected resource provisioning
    • The CA decouples protected resources from authorization server (i.e. EIDA-AS)
    • Certificate based authentication makes further protection of EIDA-AS resources obsolete (e.g. password based authentication etc).


    • Additional complexity


The new EIDA AAI has to meet the following requirements:

  • [X] A unique interface for protected resources of both EIDA gateway and endpoint services.
  • [X] Decoupling of AAI from resource servers; authorization is provided by means of an authorization server.
  • [X] Scriptability of resource servers.
  • [X] Scalability; compatibility with further services built on top e.g. EIDA Mediator or chained EIDA Federator instances
  • [X] The usage of a well documented ideally standardized structured token format. The token format should allow both digital signatures and digital encryption.
  • [X] No storage of access credentials/tokens (between single requests). Stateless services.
  • [X] Reasonable access token lifetimes e.g. 3600s.
  • [X] Simplicity: Transparent scope usage from the end user’s perspective. The scope must be validated by the API (i.e. protected resource) meanwhile the general authorization must be granted by the authorization server
  • [X] Ability to add local user accounts to a federated identity provider.
  • [X] Ability to transparently revoke end user access.
  • [X] Fully compatible with present standards.
  • [ ] Protected resources are not allowed to acquire resources for clients not properly authorized. This requirement follows the paradigm: First, validate the authorization of a request, second bind resources within EIDA.


EIDA-ERS (EIDA Endpoint Resource Server) Endpoint resource server within EIDA providing protected resources. In case of EIDA endpoint resource servers implement the FDSN webservice interface. An exemplary implementation is the SeisComp3 FDSNWS implementation.

EIDA-GRS (EIDA Gateway Resource Server) Gateway resource server implementing protected resources within EIDA. Gateway resource servers build on top of either EIDA-ERS or rather other gateway resource servers, respectively. Within EIDA, gateway resource servers implement transparent facades. While in terms of the well-known Composite Design Pattern EIDA-ERS implementations correspond to the leafs, EIDA-GRS represent the composites.

EIDA-RS (EIDA Resource Server) Umbrella term of EIDA-ERS and EIDA-GRS. In terms of the Composite Design Pattern EIDA-RS correspond to components.

B2ACCESS (EUDAT Authorization Server) B2ACCESS is the name of the EUDAT authorization server. B2ACCESS implements an authorization and authentication infrastructure providing identity federation. EIDA relies on the OAuth2.0/OIDC authorization server implementation of B2ACCESS. The expresions B2ACCESS and EUDAT-AS are used synonymously within this document.

EIDA-AS (EIDA Authorization Server) Authorization server built on top of B2ACCESS in order to fulfil EIDA AAI specific requirements.

B2ACCESS Constraints

As of 2019-01-14 the B2ACCESS OAuth2.0/OIDC implementation exclusively uses Bearer tokens (JWT may be implemented in future releases). The authentication grant types implemented are:

  • Authentication Code
  • Implicit.

Besides, refresh tokens may be used by clients.

A webhook (i.e. user defined HTTP callbacks triggered by events) based messaging system is not planned to be implemented. The current OAuth2.0/OIDC configuration can be found at

EIDA AAI Overview

The following purpose is based on the well established OAuth2.0 standard (RFC6749 and RFC6750) as well as the constraints set by the EUDAT B2ACCESS authentication and authorization platform.

**Basic Concepts**:

  • Protected resources within EIDA implement a uniform OAuth2.0 bearer access token based API.
  • Access token instrospection / validation is performed by the EIDA authorization server (EIDA-AS).
  • EIDA-AS implements a context dependent access token cache allowing the secure storage of access tokens during protected requests sessions within EIDA.

Token Based Authentication

For restricted data access all protected resources within EIDA MUST implement a stateless OAuth2.0 bearer access token based authentication interface. Authenticated requests MUST be performed using the Authorization request header field defined in Section 2.1 of RFC6750.

Protected resources from both EIDA-GRS and EIDA-ERS perform the access token validation using the EIDA Authorization Service (EIDA-AS). Thus, the access token is sent to the token endpoint as defined by section <a href=”Access Token Introspection”>Access Token Introspection. All protected resources of EIDA resource servers MUST perform this valdidation in order to be able to return the appropriate HTTP status codes in case of errors.

Once a protected resource of a EIDA-GRS receives a request containing a bearer access token, the EIDA-GRS MUST forward this access token for subsequent requests to EIDA-ERS. EIDA resource servers MUST NOT store access tokens between two single requests.

Protected Resource Request

Protected resources of EIDA-RS will implement authentication requests using the authorization request header field as defined in Section 2.1 of RFC6750. RFC6750 requires the usage of Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Request parameters for protected resources are equal to those for unprotected resources. Request parameters are defined in the FDSN Web-Service Specifications (Version 1.1b).

Besides, one additional parameter is introduced:

requestsessionids A string containing a comma-separated list of request session identifiers associated with the access token passed. The parameter MUST exclusively be set by EIDA-GRS. The parameter MUST be consumed by protected resource implementations within EIDA.

The following is a non-normative exemplary end-user client request:

GET /resource?net=Z3sta=A051&cha=HHZ HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM

An exemplary non-normative EIDA internal request is:

POST /resource HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.fdsn.mseed
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM

requestsessionids=05d940fdd4c279b47ab3e3b483e276a95cac [...]
Z3 A051 * * 2019-01-01T00:00:00 2019-02-01T00:00:00

The meaning of the requestsessionids parameter is explained in greater detail in section EIDA Authorization Service.

Protected resources of EIDA-GRS MUST only perform HTTP POST requests (RFC7231) to other protected resources within EIDA.

Protected Resource Response

If the access token validation (authentication) was successful and the client is authorized to request the data as specified the protected resource MUST return the data as defined in the FDSN Web-Service Specifications.

Error Codes

In case a request for restricted data fails protected resources of EIDA-RS MUST return HTTP status codes as defined in the FDSN Web-Service Specifications.

invalid_request In addition to the reasons defined in the FDSNWS specifications the EIDA resource server MUST return HTTP 400 (Bad Request) status code if a method including an access token is different as defined above.

invalid_token The access token provided is expired, revoked, malformed, or invalid for other reasons. The EIDA-RS MUST respond with the HTTP 401 (Unauthorized) status code. The client MAY request a new access token from B2ACCESS and retry the protected resource request.

insufficient_scope An EIDA resource server MUST return HTTP 403 (Forbidden) status code if the request requires higher privileges than provided.

If the request lacks any authentication information (e.g. the client was unaware that authentication is necessary or attempted using an unsupported authentication method), the resource server MUST NOT include an error code or other error information.

EIDA Authorization Service

Access tokens may expire during protected EIDA-GRS request sessions. For this reason EIDA-AS is implemented. The service implements a centralized context dependent cache virtually extending the lifetime of access tokens for request sessions within EIDA. EIDA-AS is implemented as a adapting wrapper of B2ACCESS.

Communication between protected resources and EIDA-AS MUST be protected with a secure HTTP connection such as SSL/TLS (RFC2818).

Context Dependent Access Token Cache

EIDA-AAI uses plain bearer access tokens in order to authenticate clients. Due to security reasons, such access tokens usually expire within minutes. However, since a single request to a protected resource of a EIDA-GRS may lead to multiple requests to other protected resources within EIDA (demultiplexing) the access token may expire during this session. In order to hide the access token expiration and its consequences from the end-user, EIDA-AAI must introduce the concept of a secure access token cache implementing the secure temporary storage of access tokens due to EIDA-GRS request sessions.

EIDA-GRS are implemented as transparent facades i.e. a client also is allowed to use EIDA-ERS directly. To increase usability both unprotected and protected resources within EIDA SHOULD implement a uniform API. Until now, EIDA has no standardized mechanism to distinguish a direct end-user request from a internal request.

In order to allow protected resources to distinguish between a direct end-user request to a protected resource and an internal protected request session within EIDA (i.e. a protected request from a EIDA-GRS) we introduce the concept of a EIDA-GRS request session identifier access token context.

Protected resources of EIDA-GRS must keep track of request session identifiers in order to reference the access token with EIDA-AS.

A context dependent access token cache is implemented by the EIDA-AS. In the context of protected resources within EIDA, EIDA-AS adapts the interface of B2ACCESS. This approach has two main advantages:

  • Authorization server singleton: There is only one single authorization service, namely EIDA-AS.
  • Maintainability: While the interface of the third-party service B2ACCESS may change over time the interface of EIDA-AS may remain unchanged.

Protocol Flow

A client may access protected resources within EIDA either by means of an EIDA-GRS (i.e. proxied access) or an EIDA-ERS (i.e. direct access).


Direct Access To Protected EIDA Endpoint Resources

Directly accessing a protected resource of a EIDA-ERS implies that no access token previously was cached with EIDA-AS. If a client requests data from a EIDA-ERS directly, the protected resource firstly MUST introspect the access token with EIDA-AS. Introspection endpoint requests MUST be performed as defined below.

For a valid request to the access token introspection endpoint of EIDA-AS, the authorisation server will respond with a JSON object (RFC7159) with the active field set to true and an optional scope field. If the response containes a scope field and the protected resource is implemented by an EIDA-ERS, the protected resource MUST perform a scope related validation. If successful, the client’s call to the protected resource endpoint MUST respond in accordance with the FDSNWS specifications.

Proxied Access To Protected EIDA Endpoint Resources

A. A client calls a protected resource implemented by a EIDA-GRS as defined in Section Protected Resource Requests.

B. The protected resource registers the bearer access token passed with the token registration endpoint of the authorization server i.e. EIDA-AS. If EIDA-AS was not able to successfully register a protected request session the protected resource returns a response as defined in Section <a href=”Protected Resource Response And Error Response”>Protected Resource Response And Error Response. If the protected request session was successfully initialized EIDA-AS returns a <a href=”Request Session Identifiers”>request session identifier.

C. The protected resource implemented by EIDA-GRS calls protected resources of EIDA-ERS instances necessary to fullfil the client’s request. The EIDA-ERS protected resource calls now ship the request_session_ids parameter with the value returned from the registration endpoint of EIDA-AS.

D. Once a protected resource implemented by a EIDA-ERS receives the request, firstly, the bearer access token is validated with the token introspection endpoint of EIDA-AS. The request is performed as defined in Section <a href=”Token Introspection Request”>Token Introspection Request. Now, the received request session identifier is included with the token introspection request. Next, the protected resource MUST verify if the client was authorized considering the token’s scope. Only, if both the token introspection and the scope validation was successful the protected resource MUST return data.

E. Unless the protected resource of the EIDA-GRS did not fulfil the clients request, D. is repeated.

F. If the protected resource of the EIDA-GRS received all data neccessary to fulfil the clients request, the protected resource MUST unregister the protected resource session previously registered. For this purpose, the protected resource calls the token unregistration endpoint of EIDA-AS as defined in Section Unregistration Request.

Chaining Protected Resource Servers

When chaining several EIDA-GRSs an access token may expire on his way from one EIDA-GRSi to the next EIDA-GRSi+1. If EIDA-GRSi+i now wants to register the access token with EIDA-AS, EIDA-AS would not be able to validate the access token with B2ACCESS, anymore. However, in the context of the cached access token from EIDA-GRSi the access token registration of EIDA-GRSi+1 still should be valid.

The problem is solved with chained request session identifiers. Thus, both internal protected resource requests and requests for access token registration with EIDA-AS must contain at least one request identifier.

Request Session Identifiers

Request session identifiers are absolutely critial in the context of security.

Request session identifiers MUST be implemented as hexadecimal encoded opaque tokens.

A request session identifier opaque token MUST have a minimum length of 255 bytes.

The usage of request session identifiers requires protected resources of EIDA-GRS to implement a bookkeeping mechanism for protected request sessions. The implementation of such a mechanism is out of scope of this document.

Access Token Registration

Within EIDA exclusively EIDA-GRSs MUST register access tokens with the EIDA-AS cache. For an EIDA-GRS the process of access token registration is equal to access token validation. No further access token introspection should be performed.

Registration Request

Note: Access token registration exclusively SHOULD be granted to previously registered EIDA-GRSs. Both implementation and level of protecting the access needs still needs to be discussed.

The protected resource calls the access token registration endpoint using an HTTP POST RFC7231 request with parameters sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data as defined in W3C.REC-html5. The request defines the following parameters:

access_token REQUIRED. The bearer access token as used by B2ACCESS.

request_session_ids (request session identifiers) OPTIONAL. A comma-separated string of unique request session identifiers mapping the access token in the EIDA-AS cache. If no request session identifier is present or the parameter is not passed, EIDA-AS assumes that a new request session must be initialized. Hence, EIDA-AS firstly verifies the access token with B2ACCESS. If the access token validation was successful, the access token is cached. For one or more request session identifiers, EIDA-AS assumes that the access token is used in a chained EIDA-GRS environment. EIDA-AS does not verify the access token with B2ACCESS anymore - but does verify the access token with previously cached access tokens.

cache_invocation (cache invocation) The cache invocation claim identifies the access token’s cache expiration time on or after the AT MUST NOT be cached anymore. The processing of the cache invocation claim requires that the current date/time MUST be before the expiration date/time listed in the cache invocation claim. Its value MUST be a number NumericDate value. If the cache invocation time expired EIDA-AS MUST invalidate the access token request session. The implementation of this claim is OPTIONAL.

In future, the access token registration endpoint MAY accept additional parameters to provide further context to the access token caching session. For instance, an aud (audience) parameter could be defined restricting the protected resources the access token caching session is indented for. An exemplary implementation of such a parameter is described in Section 4.1.3 of RFC7519.

Registration Response

For an EIDA-GRS access token registration with EIDA-AS follows the principle access token registration means access token validation. Hence, the registration endpoint response corresponds to the <a href=”Token Introspection Response”>introspection endpoint response.

For a successful access token registration EIDA-AS additionally MUST include the following top-level member:

request_session_id REQUIRED. JSON string of a request session identifier referencing the access token within the EIDA-AS cache. In a chained EIDA-GRS environment the protected resource SHOULD append this identifier to the list of received request session identifiers and include it with subsequent requests.

Error Response

The registration endpoint error response corresponds to the introspection endpoint error response.

Access Token Introspection

In order to provide access token introspection EIDA-AS implements the introspection endpoint. Note, that the token introspection has not to be confused with the token validation endpoint implemented by B2ACCESS.

Token Introspection Request

Note: RFC7662 specifies the introspection endpoint to be protected. How the protection of the resource should look like (e.g. format, standard, etc.) is still to be discussed.

Protected resources within EIDA MUST perform the token introspection request as defined in RFC7662.

If the protected resource received a single or multiple request identifiers from a client, the request identifier MUST be used unchanged when performing a request to the access token introspection endpoint. Request identifiers are included as follows:

request_session_ids String containing a comma-separated list of request session identifiers associated with the access token in the cache.

Token Introspection Response

The EIDA-AS token introspection endpoint responds with a JSON object in application/json format with the following top-level members:

active REQUIRED. Boolean indicator of whether or not the presented token is currently active. A true indicates that the given token is either cached or not expired.

scope OPTIONAL. A JSON string containing a space-separated list of scopes associated with this token, in the format described in Section 3.3 of OAuth 2.0 (RFC6749).

sub OPTIONAL. Subject of the token, as defined in JWT (RFC7519). Usually a machine-readable identifier of the resource owner who authorized this token.

To prevent EIDA resource servers from any ambiguities the token introspection endpoint response MUST NOT contain the exp claim as defined in (RFC7519).

If the introspection call is properly authorized but the token is not active, does not exist on this server, or the protected resource is not allowed to introspect this particular token, then the authorization server MUST return an introspection response with the active field set to false.

The following is a non-normative example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "active": false

To avoid disclosing the internal state of the authorization server, the introspection response for an inactive token MUST NOT contain any additional claims beyond the required active claim (with its value set to false).

Error Response

On errors EIDA-AS implements the behaviour as defined in Section 2.3 of RFC7662.

Access Token Unregistration

EIDA-AS MUST guarantee that access token unregistration is exclusively performed by the protected resource of the EIDA-GRS which previously registered the access token. Note, that this requires identifying protected resources within EIDA uniquely. The implementation of such a unique identification mechanism still needs to be discussed.

Unregistration Request

The protected resource calls the access token unregistration endpoint using an HTTP DELETE (RFC7231) request with parameters sent as application/x-www-form-urlencoded data as defined in W3C.REC-html5. The following parameters are sent:

access_token REQUIRED. String identifying a single access token to be removed.

request_session_ids REQUIRED. String containing a space-separated list of unique request session identifiers associated with the access token. If multiple request session identifiers are sent EIDA-AS invalidates the access token cached with the context of the last request session identifier in the list.

Unregistration Response

The authorization server responds with a JSON object (RFC7159) in application/json format with the following top-level members:

token The access token removed from the authorization server cache.

The following is a non-normative example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "token": "2YotnFZFEjr1zCsicMWpAA"  

Error Response

If the protected resource requesting access token unregistration is not authorized to execute its call to the unregistration endpoint the authorization server will respond with HTTP 401 (Unauthorized).

If the protected resource authenticated successfully and the request was not well formatted or there is a mismatch between the parameters and values sent, the access token unregistration endpoint will respond with an HTTP 400 (Bad Request).

Token Revocation

Due to the fact, that a protected request session may exceed the access token expiration time, EIDA-AS SHOULD implement a token revocation endpoint. If a client calls this endpoint EIDA-AS MUST guarantee that the revocation request is propagated to B2ACCESS.

TODO: Implementation details of the revocation endpoint. Note, that OAuth2.0 Token Revocation (RFC7009) defines a revocation endpoint implementation.

EIDA Protected Resource Registration

This section still is has to be discussed. See also the section with <a href=”Open Questions”>open questions.

Assuming protected resources authentication is based on certificates, EIDA-AS MAY accept all protected resources certified by a trusted CA. Restriction of protected resources due to the IP address range utilized may be implemented, optionally.

EIDA-AS And B2ACCESS Synchronization

The registration of an access token request session with EIDA-AS MUST be only valid if EIDA-AS was able to successfully cache token related data from the B2ACCESS token information endpoint. Optionally, EIDA-AS will try to fetch data from the B2ACCESS user information endpoint.

EIDA-AS will temporarily cache this data. EIDA-AS MUST remove the data as soon as the protected resource asks EIDA-AS to unregister the access token’s request session.

It is on the client’s own responsibility to negotiate with B2ACCESS the correct attributes and scope the access token is issued for.

Internally, EIDA-AS SHOULD periodically synchronize with B2ACCESS the state of the access tokens cached. Depending on the refresh rate and the access token’s expiration time EIDA-AS is able to detect revoked tokens, too. If a protected request session exceeds the access token’s expiration time synchronization with B2ACCESS is not possible, anymore. For the purpose of revocation EIDA-AS SHOULD implement its own token revocation endpoint. Token revocation requests and responses are not specified, yet.


For protected resources of EIDA-RS solely EIDA-AS is used as authorization server. EIDA-AS adapts the access token validation related interface of B2ACCESS for EIDA internal purposes.

For the purpose of e.g.

  • implementation of OAuth2.0 authorization grant types
  • obtaining an access token
  • making use of refresh tokens

clients preliminary should stick to the API provided by B2ACCESS.

Design Considerations

Drawbacks of this architecture are:

  • All protected resource implementations support a unique interface for the sake of scalability. Also, a scenario with multiple chained EIDA-GRS may be feasible. While the scope management and user provisioning is implemented by B2ACCESS the scope is evaluated and validated from EIDA-RS instances. In addition, users easily may be revoked. That is even during a request processed by an EIDA-GRS.
  • The design proposed tries to keep it simple i.e. protected resources of EIDA-GRS exclusively register protected request sessions meanwhile protected resources of EIDA-ERS perform only access token introspection.

    Protected resources within EIDA do not need to change their behaviour depending on request session identifiers. Request session identifiers are simply passed to EIDA-AS. Decisioning is encapsulated within EIDA-AS.

  • When registering a protected request session with EIDA-AS, the protected resource of the EIDA-GRS should append the identifier to the request session identifiers received.

    This approach may enable EIDA-AS to order request session identifiers hierarchically.

    In particular, this design may be useful in a chained EIDA-GRS environment.

  • Token introspection is tightly coupled to EIDA-AS / B2ACCESS. If EIDA grows this probably will result in an increasingly chatty system bound to those authorization servers. In future, this issue might be solved using self containing descriptive tokens e.g. JWT (RFC7519). However, as long as B2ACCESS OAuth2.0 is based on plain bearer access tokens EIDA-AS should implement the same facilities.
  • In theory, all protected resources of EIDA-RS implementations may both register and introspect access tokens with EIDA-AS. At the time being, there is no mechanism implemented enforcing that exclusively protected resources of EIDA-GRS are allowed to register/unregister protected request sessions with EIDA-AS, and reversely, that protected resources implemented by EIDA-ERS are restricted to exclusively perform token introspection. I.e. it is only this document enforcing this restriction.

    Implementing a different behaviour would break with the proposed EIDA-AAI architecture.

    Note, that enforcing the restriction would require to distinguish between EIDA-GRS instances and EIDA-ERS instances. In future, this distinction may be implemented by e.g. an EIDA (protected) resource registry.

  • Restricting access token sessions to a subset of the protected resources within EIDA would introduce an additional mechanism to increase security. Only those protected resources would be allowed to introspect the access token session previously determined by the EIDA-GRS registrating the access token session.

    Again, enforcing requires to implement an EIDA (protected) resource registry unambigously identifying protected resources within EIDA.

Refresh Tokens

Clients MAY make use of refresh tokens as defined in Section 1.5 of OAuth2.0 (RFC6749).

In order to obtain a new access token using refresh token credentials a client should directly negotiate with B2ACCESS. Further details are given in the B2ACCESS instruction manual.

EIDA Scope Management

Scopes SHOULD be unique within EIDA. Besides, scopes should be consistent between protected resources of EIDA-RS and B2ACCESS.

The scope syntax MUST respect the requirements defined in Section 3.3 of OAuth2.0 (RFC6749). URI namespace identifiers SHOULD be used.

A more detailed description on how to manage scopes is beyond the scope of this purposal.


EIDA AAI based on OAuth2.0 (Draft)






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