This engine framwork Thanks for Chero
use cmake:
git submodule update --init --recursive
cmake -S . -B build -G"MinGW Makefiles"
cmake --build build
cmake -S . -B cmake-build -DSDL2_ROOT=<your-sdl2-path>
Im's Use form MinGW Makefiles Has different SDL2 root
library | description |
SDL2 | use to support create window, render context and basic input |
Vulkan | GUP Renderer support Api |
VMA | GUP Memory Allocate |
stb_image | use to loading images |
dear-imgui | use to support GUI in editor |
glm | Math Library |
tinygltf | use to Load Model |
entt | use to ECS framework |
Yaml | use to Serialization data format |
yaml-cpp | use to yaml format library |
spdlog | Use to Output Log |
box2d | Use to 2D physics engine |
ktx | Use to texture format |