Releases: kabanero-io/kabanero-pipelines
deleted the document
Kabanero-pipelines 0.9.1
Kabanero-pipelines 0.9.0
Release Notes:
Moved all pipelines to Tekton beta release
Added pipelines designed to work with the kabanero events operator
Added experimental pipelines for gitops support (Tech preview)
Post deploy governance policy enforcement
Improved performance and usability by eliminating the utilities task
Code cleanup by moving reused scripts into the kabanero-utils image
NOTE: The config map that was used to configure the stack image registry is no longer supported. The stack image registry can be configured in the .appsody-cfg.yaml file instead.
Kabanero-pipelines 0.8.0
- Enhanced digest checking policy
- New and improved TLS verification policy for image registry access
- New set of experimental pipelines designed to work with the kabanero eventing operator
- Bug fixes
Kabanero-pipelines 0.6.2
Fixes for the build-push pipeline.
Kabanero-pipelines 0.7.0
Changes in 0.7.0:
- Bug fixes
- More flexible way of providing docker image and tag name in the pipelinerun instead of the pipeline resource.
NOTE: If you use manual pipeline run files to drive your pipelines, there is a backward incompatible change in this release. In earlier releases, you could specify the image name to publish to as part of the docker resource URL. That is no longer supported. Instead you will have to specify the image name and tag in the pipelierun file as shown below:
- name: docker-imagename
value: <stack-name>-image
- name: docker-imagetag
value: latest
Kabanero-pipelines 0.6.1
- Improve performance of the build-* tasks when pulling images from public repos like docker hub.
- Improve messages in the validation task.
Kabanero-pipelines 0.6.0
Some of the main changes for this release:
- Change pipelines to leverage stacks instead of collections
- Significant performance improvements for the nodejs pipeline runs when using the 0.6.0 Kabanero stack hub
- Improved logging for image scan task
- Conditional deployment only for merged pull request (This is a behavior change from 0.5.0. The build-deploy-pl will now only deploy the application via webhook when the git event is a PR merge. All other git events will only skip the deploy task.)
- Additional usage of tekton triggers
- Improved validation of stacks
- New release process for the kabanero-pipelines repo
- Bug fixes
Kabanero-pipelines 0.5.0
Merge pull request #151 from kabanero-io/issue145 Trigger w/ CollectionId
Kabanero-pipelines 0.4.0
Merge pull request #149 from kabanero-io/aadeshpa-issue-132-merge-two…