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Regx - Declarative Regex for humans

F# DSL for Regex nuget

#r "nuget: Regx"
open Regx

// Compose a regex for url 

let protocol =
    group {
        capture {
            oneOf {
                verbatimString "http"
                verbatimString "https"
        verbatimString "://"

let subdomain =
    group {
        oneOrMore { wordChar }
        verbatimString "."

let domain =
    group {
        captureAs "domain" { occursBetween 2 256 { wordChar } }
        verbatimString "."

let ending = group { occursBetween 1 8 { wordChar } }

let port =
    group {
        verbatimString ":"
        occursMoreThan 2 { digit }

let path =
    zeroOrMore {
        capture {
            verbatimString "/"
            oneOrMore { wordChar }

let pattern =
    regex {
        mayHave { protocol }
        mayHave { subdomain }
        mayHave { port }
    |> Regx.make

// Generates - (?:(http|https):\/\/)?(?:\w+\.)?(?:(?<domain>\w{2,256})\.)(?:\w{1,8})(?::\d{2,})?(\/\w+)*

More examples in tests

DSL What it means
any Dot - Matches any character except linebreaks. Equivalent to [^\n\r].
anyChar Match any - A character set that can be used to match any character, including line breaks, without the dotall flag. Represents [\s\S]
wordChar Matches any word character (alphanumeric & underscore). Only matches low-ascii characters (no accented or non-roman characters). Equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_]
notWordChar Matches any character that is not a word character (alphanumeric & underscore). Equivalent to [^A-Za-z0-9_]
digit Matches any digit character (0-9). Equivalent to [0-9].
notDigit Matches any character that is not a digit character (0-9). Equivalent to [^0-9].
whiteSpace Matches any whitespace character (spaces, tabs, line breaks).
notWhiteSpace Matches any character that is not a whitespace character (spaces, tabs, line breaks).
charIn Match any character in the set
charNotIn Negate character set - Match any character that is not in the set.
inRange Matches a character having a character code between the two specified characters inclusive.
inList Matches characters in list
beginsWith Enclosed expression occurs in the beginning of the fragment
endsWith Enclosed expression occurs in the end of the fragment
beginsWithString Enclosed expression occurs in the beginning of the fragment
endsWithString Enclosed expression occurs in the end of the fragment
wordBoundary Matches a word boundary position between a word character and non-word character or position (start / end of string).
notWordBoundary Matches any position that is not a word boundary. This matches a position, not a character.
mayHave Matches 0 or 1 of the enclosed fragment, effectively making it optional
fewest Makes the enclosed fragment lazy, causing it to match as few characters as possible.
longest Makes the enclosed fragment Greedily, causing it to match as many characters as possible.
oneOf Acts like a boolean OR. Matches the expression before or after the
oneOrMore Matches 1 or more of the enclosed fragment
zeroOrMore Matches 0 or more of the enclosed fragment
occurs Matches the exact quantity of the enclosed token.
occursMoreThan Matches the specified quantity or more of the enclosed token.
occursBetween Matches a quantity of the enclosed toke in the specified range.
between Match between an open and a closing tag- for balanced captures
capture Grouped capture
captureAs Named group capture
group Non-capturing group
refGroupNo \1 - Numeric reference - Matches the results of a capture group.
refGroupName \k - Group name reference - Matches the results of a named capture group.
positiveLookAhead \d(?=px) - Matches a group after the main expression without including it in the result.
negativeLookAhead \d(?!px) - Specifies a group that can not match after the main expression (if it matches, the result is discarded).
positiveLookBehind (?<=ABC) - Matches a group before the main expression without including it in the result.
negativeLookBehind (?<!ABC) - Specifies a group that can not match before the main expression (if it matches, the result is discarded).
verbatimString Unescaped string literal

Additional custom builders

DSL What it means
word Represents an actual word. Equivalent to /(?:\w+)/
email English email
url English url
guid GUID
uuid UUID
ip4Address IPv4
ip6Address IPv6
ipAddress IPV4 or IPv6 (does not support embedded IPv4 address)


Write regex using F# computation expressions






