Simple starter project for static web development, jQuery and Bootstrap are downloaded with Bower. Project files are optimized with Grunt. Browser tab is refreshed automaticaly with LiveReload.
Bower And Grunt need :
Bower is installed globally using npm:.
$ npm install -g bower
Install Grunt's command line interface (CLI). Grunt will be only installed in your project folder.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
Checkout the project.
$ git clone
Run Bower to download dependencies
$ cd <project-root>/ $ bower install
Bower components are now in www/assets/components/
Run Grunt to initialize project
$ cd <project-root>/ $ npm install $ grunt
Development files are now in www/assets/build/.
To get production files run:
$ grunt production
You can add more components in bower.json config file.
{ "name": "project bootstrap", "dependencies": { "jquery": "1.8.x", "components-bootstrap": "2.3.x", "font-awesome": "3.0.2" } }
Grunt can observe you files and execute somme tasks automaticaly.
To run Grunt in background
$ grunt watch
Grunt Watch has support for Livereload. To enable it in your browser install LiveReload extension