$ npm i colu
Full documentation for this Module can be found here: http://documentation.colu.co/
To run as a standalone server you need to install Node.Js and NPM. Then install the colu module globaly like this:
$ npm i -g colu
Then just run it from the terminal like this:
$ colu
And now you can use JSON-RPC 2.0 requests to use the Colu SDK. By default it will be hosted at : and will be locked to local host only.
$ mocha
docker build -t colunodejs .
docker run -p 8080:80 -it colunodejs
You should now be able to make your api calls to port 8080 on your host machine (or select another port, say 1234, by running instead with docker run -p 1234:80 -it colunodejs
docker ps
Since we are running in interactive shell mode -it
you can stop the container by pressing CTRL+C