This library provides a wrapper for the Collmex API. It's not complete yet, some record types (and maybe some features) are missing.
Please create a Pull Request if you've implemented a new type/feature or create Issues for bugs/feature requests.
There is (or least should be…) a Type class for every Collmex record type ("Satzart"). Currently only the
base types (MESSAGE
) and a few normal record types (CMXKND
are implemented.
Using Composer, just add it to your composer.json
by running:
composer require mjaschen/collmex
The Collmex PHP SDK requires PHP 5.5.9. If you're still using older PHP versions, you can install the 0.4 branch for PHP 5.4 compatibility or the 0.3 branch for PHP 5.3 compatibility. New features will only go into the current branch.
Load a Collmex Customer record:
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Client\Curl as CurlClient;
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Request;
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Type\CustomerGet;
// initialize HTTP client
$collmexClient = new CurlClient("USER", "PASSWORD", "CUSTOMER_ID");
// create request object
$collmexRequest = new Request($collmexClient);
// create a record type; we're querying the API for customer with ID=12345
$getCustomerType = new CustomerGet(array('customer_id' => '12345'));
// send HTTP request and get response object
$collmexResponse = $collmexRequest->send($getCustomerType->getCsv());
if ($collmexResponse->isError()) {
echo "Collmex error: " . $collmexResponse->getErrorMessage() . "; Code=" . $collmexResponse->getErrorCode() . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$records = $collmexResponse->getRecords();
foreach ($records as $record) {
var_dump($record->getData()); // contains one Customer object and the Message object(s)
Create a new Collmex Customer record and get the Collmex Customer-ID from the response data:
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Client\Curl as CurlClient;
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Request;
use \MarcusJaschen\Collmex\Type\Customer;
// initialize HTTP client
$collmexClient = new CurlClient("USER", "PASSWORD", "CUSTOMER_ID");
// create request object
$collmexRequest = new Request($collmexClient);
// create a record type; we create a customer with some basic fields
$customer = new Customer(
'client_id' => "2",
'salutation' => "Herr",
'forename' => "Charly",
'lastname' => "Cash",
'street' => "Hauptstraße 12",
'zipcode' => "12222",
'city' => "Berlin",
'inactive' => Customer::STATUS_ACTIVE,
'country' => "DE",
'phone' => "+49300000000",
'email' => "[email protected]",
'output_medium' => Customer::OUTPUT_MEDIUM_EMAIL,
// send HTTP request and get response object
$collmexResponse = $collmexRequest->send($customer->getCsv());
if ($collmexResponse->isError()) {
echo "Collmex error: " . $collmexResponse->getErrorMessage() . "; Code=" . $collmexResponse->getErrorCode() . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$newObject = $collmexResponse->getFirstRecord();
echo "New Collmex customer ID=" . $newObject->new_id . PHP_EOL;
$records = $collmexResponse->getRecords();
foreach ($records as $record) {
var_dump($record->getData()); // contains one NewObject object and the Message object(s)
Collmex expects all strings encoded in Codepage 1252 (Windows) while the Collmex PHP SDK expects all inputs as UTF-8 and outputs everything as UTF-8. The conversion of string encodings is done transparently before sending an request to the Collmex API and after receiving the response from the API.
- Install with
option:php composer.phar install --dev
orphp composer.phar update --dev
- run