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jurisk committed Dec 22, 2023
1 parent f08d49f commit 003a8bc
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Showing 2 changed files with 78 additions and 226 deletions.
221 changes: 22 additions & 199 deletions scala2/src/main/scala/jurisk/adventofcode/y2023/Advent21.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,13 +171,28 @@ object Advent21 {

def calculateFieldCounts(time: Long, size: Long): FieldCounts = {
val p = time / size
val q = time % size
assert(size.parity == 1)
val halfRoundedDown = size / 2
val halfRoundedUp = halfRoundedDown + 1

val completedEdgeCenter = (((time + 1) / size) - 1) max 0
val leftOverEdgeCenter =
(time + 1) - (completedEdgeCenter * size) - halfRoundedUp
val edgeCenterMap =
if (leftOverEdgeCenter <= 0) {
Map.empty[Long, Long]
} else if (leftOverEdgeCenter > size) {
leftOverEdgeCenter -> 1L,
(leftOverEdgeCenter % size) -> 1L,
} else {
Map(leftOverEdgeCenter -> 1L)

// TODO: implement
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map.empty, 123),
corner = InnerCounts(Map.empty, 123),
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(edgeCenterMap, completedEdgeCenter),
corner = InnerCounts(Map.empty, 0), // TODO: implement corner

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -247,8 +262,8 @@ object Advent21 {

// TODO: actually also use oddSquareCount
val cornerSquaresFinalised = fieldCounts.corner.finalised * evenSquareCount
// TODO: actually also use evenSquareCount
val cornerSquaresFinalised = fieldCounts.corner.finalised * oddSquareCount

val cornerSquaresInProgress = {
case (time, count) =>
Expand All @@ -262,198 +277,6 @@ object Advent21 {
centerSquares + edgeSquaresFinalised + edgeSquaresInProgress + cornerSquaresFinalised + cornerSquaresInProgress

def part2DistRec(data: Input, steps: Int): Long = {
val field = data.field

// Narrow cross should be empty
assert(field.column(field.width / 2).forall(b => !b))
assert(field.row(field.height / 2).forall(b => !b))

// Edges should be empty
assert(field.allEdgeCoords.forall(c =>

val start = data.start
val distances = distancesFrom(data.field, data.start)

val manhattanDiffs = distances.mapByCoordsWithValues { case (c, v) =>
v map { v =>
v - c.manhattanDistance(start)

manhattanDiffs.allEdgeCoords.forall(c => == 0.some

val printableManhattanDiffs = {
case None => "R"
case Some(0) => ""
case Some(v) => v.toString

Field2D.printStringField(printableManhattanDiffs, 3)

def distance(c: Coords2D): Long = {
val brutal = distanceBrutal(c)
val smart = distanceSmart(c)
brutal shouldEqual smart

def distanceBrutal(c: Coords2D): Long =
.dijkstraWithIdenticalCosts[Coords2D, Long](
c =>
c.adjacent4.filter { n: Coords2D =>
val w = wrapCoords(field, n)
_ == start,

def distanceSmart(c: Coords2D): Long = {
// TODO:
// Is it in original field? Then we have the distance?
// Is it further out? Find the offset, take naive MD, adjust somehow?
// Or do we have to somehow check distances from corners / edge midpoints?
// It could be we have to treat the "on the narrow cross" fields separately (calc from edge midpoint) and the
// others separately (more naively)

val md = c.manhattanDistance(start)
val wrapped = wrapCoords(field, c)

// TODO: Not just the diff from center, diff from either the center of the edge (for narrow cross) or from the
// corner closest to the start
val diff =
md + diff
// if (distances.isValidCoordinate(c)) {
// } else {
// val fieldOffset = Coords2D(
// c.x / field.width,
// c.y / field.height,
// )
// println(s"field offset = $fieldOffset for coords $c")
// ???
// }

// TODO: Can we just iterate the width x height, and for each pixel, based on `steps`, decide in how many
// fields it is "on"? Binary search as a last resort?

def isOn(c: Coords2D): Boolean = {
val wrapped = wrapCoords(field, c)
if ( {
val d = distance(c)
d <= steps && d.parity == steps.parity
} else {

// TODO: we iterate too much, we should just iterate the diamond shape, not a square
val result =
(-steps to +steps)
.flatMap { x =>
(-steps to +steps)
.map { y =>
Coords2D(x, y) + data.start
.count { c =>


def part2Interpolated(data: Input, steps: Int): Long =
// Do a flood-fill and for each pixel (in main field), calculate number of fields that have
// Considering checkerboard, number of fields that have it on should be calculable

// Try to interpolate to algebraic formula that is f(pxCoords, time) -> fieldsReached
// Then can iterate through pixels


def part2Impulses(data: Input, steps: Int): Long =
// We define a concept of "impulse" which is a set of incoming squares that get flipped on
// within a field, and a set of outgoing squares that get flipped outside of square

// These will likely be repeating in patterns.

// These patterns determine the concept of "FieldType".

// These "FieldType"-s will repeat with some regularity.

// Thus we have one mapping which for each field determines "FieldType" and another which determines
// end-state.

// But how to avoid having to iterate through all fields?


def part2Stacked(data: Input, steps: Int): Long = {
// Let us build info about each pixel, at what time N it gets flipped on for each field, basically a sum of such pixels.
// Can such N may be a linear equation from which field it is?
// Then we can iterate through pixels (only 113x113) and solve this linear equation.

final case class Knowledge(firstOn: Long) {
def guess(n: Long): Boolean =
if (n < firstOn) false else firstOn.parity == n.parity

val field = data.field
val positions: Map[Coords2D, Knowledge] = Map(data.start -> Knowledge(0L))
val results = Simulation.runNIterations(positions, steps) {
case (current, counter) =>
// val dimensions = Coords2D(field.width, field.height)
// debugPrint(Area2D(dimensions * -1, dimensions * 2), current)

val options = current.toList.flatMap { case (c, knowledge) =>
if (knowledge.guess(counter)) {
val validNeighbours = c.adjacent4.filter { neighbour =>
val adjusted = wrapCoords(field, neighbour)

validNeighbours map { _ -> (counter + 1L) }
} else {

var results = current
options.foreach { case (k, v) =>
current.get(k) match {
case Some(value) => assert(value.guess(counter + 1))
case None => results = results + (k -> Knowledge(v))


val grouped: Map[Coords2D, List[Long]] =
results.groupBy { case (k, v) => wrapCoords(data.field, k) }.map {
case (k, v) =>
k ->

// println(grouped)

results.count { case (_, v) =>

def parseFile(fileName: String): Input =

Expand Down
83 changes: 56 additions & 27 deletions scala2/src/test/scala/jurisk/adventofcode/y2023/Advent21Spec.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,37 +52,13 @@ class Advent21Spec extends AnyFreeSpec {
// part1(realData, 258) shouldEqual 7757
// }
// }

// "nextCounts" - {
// val test = parse(s""".S
// |##
// |""".stripMargin)
// "simple 1" ignore {
// part2(test, 1) shouldEqual 2
// }
// "simple 2" ignore {
// part2(test, 2) shouldEqual 3
// }
// "simple zoom" ignore {
// (1 to 10) foreach { n =>
// val a = part2(test, n)
// val b = part2Old(test, n)
// println(n)
// a shouldEqual b
// }
// }
// }

"FieldCounts" - {
val emptyCounts = InnerCounts(Map.empty, 0)

"3" - {
val size = 3
val emptyCounts = InnerCounts(Map.empty, 0)
val size = 3

"0" in {
calculateFieldCounts(0, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,6 +108,59 @@ class Advent21Spec extends AnyFreeSpec {
corner = InnerCounts(Map(3L -> 1L), 0),

"7" in {
calculateFieldCounts(7, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(3L -> 1L), 1),
corner = InnerCounts(Map(1L -> 2L, 4L -> 1L), 0),

"5" - {
val size = 5

"3" in {
calculateFieldCounts(3, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(1L -> 1L), 0),
corner = emptyCounts,

"4" in {
calculateFieldCounts(4, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(2L -> 1L), 0),
corner = emptyCounts,

"5" in {
calculateFieldCounts(5, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(3L -> 1L), 0),
corner = emptyCounts,

"8" in {
calculateFieldCounts(8, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(6L -> 1L, 1L -> 1L), 0),
corner = InnerCounts(Map(3L -> 1L), 0),

"26" in {
calculateFieldCounts(26, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(4L -> 1L), 4),
corner = InnerCounts(Map(6L -> 4L), 6),

"28" in {
calculateFieldCounts(28, size) shouldEqual FieldCounts(
edgeCenter = InnerCounts(Map(6L -> 1L, 1L -> 1L), 4),
corner = InnerCounts(Map(3L -> 5L, 8L -> 4L), 6),

Expand Down

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