To be more productive we will use the task manager Gulp and the tool BrowserSync. ( see gulpfile.js ) :
- Gulp triggers your .SCSS files changes and each time you save one of this files, it will compile into CSS
- BrowserSync triggers CSS changes and inject them into your browsers
With this combination, we don't need to compile manually every time we want to test our website. BrowserSync is a "magic" tool for front developers: if you have two browsers opened in different devices, both will be impacted by changes. In fact you will edit your SCSS file, you will save it and your browser will apply changes without switch window and refresh. You can now focus only on your code.
We don't want to have .SCSS files in production. So we can choose
- To create a new Github repository specific for front sources
- To create a branch in the current repository that will NEVER had to be merged with develop/master
I choosed the second option to keep link between Front-end and Back-end repositories.
git remote get-url --all origin | git clone `xargs` gulp
rm -rf gulp/**
cd gulp
git checkout -b gulp
git clone https:``//
mv gulp_browsersync/* .
mv gulp_browsersync/.csscomb.json .
rm -rf gulp_browsersync/
echo ".csscomb.json
node_modules" > .gitignore
git add .
Is there files to remove for the current branch "gulp" (for sample ".jenkinsfile") ? If no, you can commit
git commit -m "First commit: remove useless files."
- config.default.json : original file from Library cloned (
- config.project.json : Overrides config.default.json. Set default config for future builds for this project and for your colleagues.
- config.local.json : Overrides config.project.json. Non-versioned file, only used in your local environment
cp config.default.json config.project.json
c9 config.project.json
cp config.default.json config.local.json
c9 config.local.json
Adapt your config.project.json data values. After that, remove from config.local.json the data already defined in config.project.json (in theory you just need to have "c9url" data in config.local.json).
git commit -am "Adding config files."
git remote get-url --all origin | git clone `xargs` --branch gulp gulp
cd gulp
git clone
mv gulp_browsersync/* .
mv gulp_browsersync/.csscomb.json .
rm -rf gulp_browsersync/
echo '{
"c9url" : "",
"sourcemaps": false
' > config.local.json
c9 config.local.json
Adapt your config.local.json data values.
Drupal developers
To not have troubles of Fonts, update your *settings.php* by adding the port to your `$base_url` _(do not hesitate to chmod 777 your settings.php in development environment)_ :
chmod 777 build/sites/default/settings.php
c9 build/sites/default/settings.php
$base_url = '';
$base_url = '';
Are your ports free?
Cloud9 open only 8080 8081 and 8082 ports. So you have to use one of this port
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep 8081
If your 8081 port is used, you have to free it by updating your C9 Devops configuration according your profile installed (LAMP or Docker) :
LAMP : sudo salt-call state.apply profiles.lamp
DOCKER : sudo salt-call state.apply profiles.docker
OR maybe kill the process gulp non-stopped
pidof gulp
Run the installation of gulp
npm install
Issue: command gulp does not exist
npm install --global gulp-cli
Open your URL in the 8081 port and you will use BrowserSync tool that allow you to inject your triggered CSS files without refreshing your browser (better to keep focus on code) Now you can develop your .SCSS code in the "src/scss" folder.
Commit your changes in the worktree (gulp branch) and don't forget to commit the .CSS changes in your "feature" branch project (without the .SCSS files)
In this documentation
command is used in Cloud9 environment to open a file