A reactor/demultiplexer event micro-framework for Linux in C
The reactor design pattern is an event handling pattern for handling service requests delivered concurrently to a service handler by one or more inputs. The service handler then demultiplexes the incoming requests and dispatches them synchronously to the associated request handlers.[1]
- tiny code-base, easy to understand, simple to modify
- use the same event pattern to handle events from timers, signals, sockets, stdin/stdout, files, serial/uart etc
- callback handlers take user-context
- can specify timeout for completion of any io-action
- serialization of signal interupts so that the handler is called in correct threading context
- clean cancel/terminate events for easy resource cleanup
- no attempt to hide/abstract ioctl(), tty_ioctl() gives complete control over descriptor properties
- no dispatch queue, means no server lag, and simpler lifetime management of resources
$ cd ~/reactor
$ ./build.sh
$ ./examples/timeout.out
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactor_pattern
- Refs proactor versus reactor - http://www.artima.com/articles/io_design_patterns2.html
- Reactor
- dmux and dispatch to handler on read or write readiness
- dmux dispatching always synchronous
- Proactor
- additionally handle the read or write asynchronously in kernel and then dispatch with data to handler
- strands, apartments thread contexts...
- Reactor
- For the most part a proactor can be built around a reactor
- http://gngrwzrd.com/libgwrl/pod.html
- done - move signal fifo handling outside pure reactor, also logging. for modularity. delegate
- no - rename d-> vars to r->
- no - maybe rename ureactor or udemux?
- done - combine the read/writ callback, then type the event we're interested in
- will simplify, and make rebind(e) possible.
- simultaneous read and write handler binding
- done - issue with binding both read/write is may want to cancel one in response to the other?
- reason to encode the action... rather
- makes cancelling, as easy as not rebinding
- done - example simple serial comms
- ioctl tty_ioctl set baud, rts, dtr
- done - get bind() and listen() and check that can spawn new contexts easily
- done - fix cancel_all
- make it easy to do a cancel/shutdown from any callback
- done - investage issue when using serial-comm and the double \n\n
- done - use gettimeofday() instead of time for millisec prec.
- done - compute smallest timeout value across all handlers and use as select() sleep timeout
- done - change dispatcher name to reactor or demux? or separate demux and handler dispatch?
- done - signals using fifo (maybe outside the core dispatcher)
- done - move tests into examples...
- done - control over debug stream
- done - pure timers not associated with fd (outside core dispatcher if can? ).
- eg. read stdin -> write to /dev/ttyUSB0, read /dev/ttyUSB write stdout,
- done - timer / timeouts
- done - cancel all, and call all callbacks
- done - write handler
add more network examples
- websockets - would be really good. could then create a shell.
- postgres async connection
- http
- dns async - server/forwarder and client
- telnet socket bind/listen
maybe support cancelling individual handlers (according to fd and type)
- or just return the handler for user to call action on?
investigate if ok to mix fopen(stdout) with open(1) for logging... (better to use stderr?)
signal deregistration
fix device echo issue in serial comms example
investigate - for proactor support - ioctl for sockets to discover number bytes in buffer already/yet to transmit. similar to boost asio
better enum variable prefixes - eg. prefix with 'reactor'