Built-in modules
- delete last 100 bot messages in current channel
- current memory usage
!say [channelId] [msg]
!react [channelId] [messageId] [reaction]
!rstr [channelId] [messageId] [text]
- list of servers where bot installed
!mycolor [hexcolor|colorName] --purge
- output all custom commands
!cmdlist --my
- output own created custom commands
!rmcmd [NAMECMD]
- remove your custom command
is optional (default - current channel)
is global or custom emoji. (Examples: :regional_indicator_a: )
should contains only english letters
Custom commands are a just normal code, which you can call using alias.
'custom command'
'desc=this command output 42'
The main difference is special comments at the beginning.
'custom command'
tell that code would be regarded as custom command.
At the next line, 'cmd=nameCmd'
set the alias name.
And 'desc=this command output 42'
is additional information shows in !cmdlist
. desc
is optional.
Use !rmcmd nameCmd
for remove custom command.
In your code available function request. Example:
'custom command'
request('http://api.ipify.org/?format=json', function (error, response, body) {
if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {
is a built in variable available only in custom commands. Contains user input data, passed with command. The type of $arguments
is an Array.
'custom command'
!args 1 2 3 4
!args 1 "argument with space" 2
["1","argument with space","2"]
Also you can store some data between calls.
For example. Next custom command prints, how many times it was called.
'custom command'
if($state.counter === undefined)
$state.counter = 1; //initialize state variable
$state.counter++; //increment state variable
console.log(`Counter: ${$state.counter}`)
Counter: 1
Counter: 2
Counter: 3
members: {
id: string;
bot: boolean;
username: string;
displayName: string;
displayColor: number;
displayHexColor: string;
avatar: string;
defaultAvatarURL: string;
displayAvatarURL: string;
game: string;
tag: string;
status: string;
discriminator: string;
createdTimestamp: number;
joinedTimestamp: number;
roles: {
color: number;
createdTimestamp: number;
editable: boolean;
hexColor: string;
hoist: boolean;
id: string;
managed: boolean;
mentionable: boolean;
name: string;
permissions: number;
position: number;
channels: {
id: string;
name: string;
type: string;
createdTimestamp: number;
roles: {
color: number;
createdTimestamp: number;
editable: boolean;
hexColor: string;
hoist: boolean;
id: string;
managed: boolean;
mentionable: boolean;
name: string;
permissions: number;
readablePermissions: string[];
position: number;
emojis: {
id: string;
name: string;
createdTimestamp: number;
animated: boolean;
//channel where command was called
channel: {
id: string;
name: string;
nsfw: boolean;
//command caller
author: {
username: string;
id: string;
discriminator: string;
bot: boolean;
Control flow flags
$out.channel = '1234567';
Example shows, how to redirect command response to another channel.
'custom command'
if ($arguments.length >=2 ) {
$out.channel = $arguments[0];
console.log($arguments.slice(1).join(' '));
!say 123456 "Hi"
Command response interpret as an embed object.
$out.embed = true;
$out.embed = true;
console.log({embed: {
author: {
name: 'Discord user'
fields: [
{name: 'Title', value: 'some text'}
Clone repository
git clone https://github.com/judgegc/js-sandbox.git
Go to js-sandbox
cd js-sandbox
Build image
docker-compose build
Run containers as daemon: js-sandbox + mongodb
docker-compose up -d
Build app container with js-sandbox bot
docker build -t jssanbox .
Run mongodb container
docker run --name mongo -d mongo:3.6.2
Run app
docker run --name jssanbox --link mongo:mongo -d --env-file envfile jssandbox