This is a Virtuoso wrapper library for python. It wraps the isql-vt
shell to perform load and delete data operations and uses the SPARQL endpoint to perform queries.
- python-webclient : https://github.com/juanique/python-webclient
- python-artichoke : https://github.com/juanique/artichoke (for unit testing)
####SPARQL Query
from virtuoso import Virtuoso
#Init the triplestore with the host, username, password, endpoint port and endpoint
triplestore = Virtuoso("localhost", "dba", "mypassword", 8890, "/sparql")
results = triplestore.query("SELECT * WHERE {?s ?p ?o}")
for row in results:
print row["s"].value, row["p"].value, row["o"].value
####Insert and delete data
from rdflib import Namespace, Literal
graph = "http://my-graph"
ns = Namespace("http://my-name-space.com/#")
#Insert a triple into the triplestore
# <http://my-name-space.com/#user123> <http://my-name-space.com/#user123> "Juan"
triplestore.insert(graph, ns["user123"], ns["name"], Literal("Juan"))
#Deleting the triple just inserted
triplestore.delete(graph, ns["user123"], ns["name"], Literal("Juan"))
#Clean the whole graph