This project involves sensing many different characteristics about a lab (i.e. ambient temperature, electricity, water, occupancy) and making the data available in an intuitive interface. There are several components to the project and can function on their own. Each component is assigned to its own directory.
LabSenseServer receives event-driven data from Door Sensors and Motion Sensors. The Door and Motion Sensors talk using a wireless protocol called Zwave. The Vera Lite/Vera 2 receive this data and send a post request to the LabSenseServer, which then forwards the data on to assigned data sinks.
LabSenseModbus contains the code to read data from the Veris E30A Power Panel Monitor and the Eaton Power Monitor. The code is based on the Modbus RTU Protocol, which involves accessing memory-mapped registers through register-read or register-write request messages.
LabSenseRaritan contains the code to read data from the Raritan PX8 Power distribution unit. The data is read using the SNMP (Smiple Network Management Protocol) protocol.
LabSenseZwave contains the code to read data from the SmartSwitch and the LightSensor and TemperatureSensor of the 3-in-1 HSM MultiSensor.
The sensors that interact with LabSense include:
- Aeon Labs Door/Window Sensor
- Homeseer MultiSensor
- Aeon Labs SmartSwitch
- Veris E30A
- Eaton IQ260
- Raritan PX8,
- Vera Lite
See the file for installation instructions.