This is a modified simulation environment designed to match the real competition environment. Files have been added to allow for autonomous driving and license plate detection.
- If you do not have a catkin workspace, please create one. You can use any folder to create it in. The example below uses your home directory.
mkdir -p ~/353_ws/src
- Clone the repository into the catkin workspace src folder.
cd ~/353_ws/src
git clone
- Build the packages
cd ~/353_ws
- Source the environment
source devel/setup.bash
- Start the simulated world
cd ~/353_ws/src/competition_2019t2/scripts
./ -g
You can run the simulation with or without any options. So far there is one option available:
Option | Description |
-g | generate new random license plates |
-p | add pedestrians crossing the crosswalk |
Once the simulation is started you can interact with it in multiple ways.
- If you want to control the robot you can use teleop_twist_keyboard:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
You may need to disable publishing of Twist messages within the driving nodes (
- If you would like to watch the camera feed you can use rqt_image_view:
rosrun rqt_image_view rqt_image_view
- The robot parameters are stored in:
we use the same plugins we used in Lab 03.