Track your public repositories from Bitbucket.
Via 'pip'
npm install jquery-bitbucket-tracker
username: "jslirola", // Account name of Bitbucket
showDetails: false, // Details of repository like description
getCommits: {
showTable: true, // When the repo is clicked will show the table
cssTable: "repoTable", // Selector to show the events output
maxRows: 10 // Between 0 and 50 events
Include jQuery library and the script.
<script src=""></script>
<script src="bbucketTrack.js"></script>
Define a list where your repositories will be show.
<ul class="repos"></ul>
Call the constructor of the class.
username: "jslirola",
showDetails: true,
getCommits: {
cssTable: "table table-striped",
- Date format
- Track another events apart from commits
- Custom visibility
- Check private repositories (Require OAuth)